[img]http://i.imgur.com/ylO8F8C.png[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/AXy5Xzf.png[/img] [b][u]The Academy of the Arts - Outer Theatrical hall[/u][/b] To Moira, nothing else existed. All she saw was the man in a sea of red, all his edges blurred and flickering like a bad signal on a television. He was saying something, shouting in fact. She could tell by the way he moved his mouth. She didn't hear it over the sound of her own pounding heart, neither did she care. He rushed upon her with that suprising agility for his size, his desire to protect his companion mirroring Moira's lust of vengance for hers. She dug her heels in and bore her own fist in retaliation, then swung... Syed could do nothing but watch as Mattis moved his head [i]just so[/i], Moira's fist missing his face by mere millimetres... as his fist struck the side of her head. There was a split second where nothing really seemed to happen - a split second where Syed found himself already visibly bracing for the inevitable tug on their bond - before the blow launched her violently once more into the wall. She grit her teeth, already trying to stand up once more, although her legs simply crumpled under her and she fell heavily back to the ground. --- [img]http://i.imgur.com/QC7kDwH.png[/img] [b][u]The Academy of the Arts - Performance Hall[/u][/b] "Nobodies, eh? Heh." Jay stood over Xan, before giving out a sigh. So now the tracker girl had taken the detonator too, before dissapearing among the rows of seats. What a pain. The boss was right, this really was getting tiring. He looked back towards Angel, who still looked pretty shaken from before. Well, he should probably try and get that detonator back for the boss, but he could hardly leave this guy to run around in case he pulled some similar shit. At least he shouldn't take much to deal with. He was pretty obviously not on the same level as the others. He almost pitied him for that, really. Almost. "Come on kid. Don't worry, I'll make this quick." He pushed his fringe out of his eyes nonchalantly as he stepped towards him. He didn't have time to hang about, and unfortunately his cloth was gone, so a kick to the head should do it.