[img=http://i1111.photobucket.com/albums/h461/kathichan1/Mobile%20Uploads/image-20.jpg] [u][b]The Academy of the Arts - Outer Theatrical hall[/b][/u] Mattis deftly moved his head to the side and Moira's fist whistled by his face just as his own connected with a loud '[i]thwack'[/I]. The woman was sent flying, crashing again into the wall. She looked as if she was unable to hear him and struggled to stand up, the previous fight having taken a lot more out of her than it looked. Still, Mattis took her earlier words to heart and didn't take his gaze off of the woman, instead darting forward and pinning her arms to the side. To be honest the look in her eye scared him, but he was loathe to leave someone in such an unstable and volatile temper in case she ended up accidentally attacking her own friends again. No doubt she'd blame that on him too. Perhaps he shouldn't be focusing all his attention on this crazy lady and make a break for the door now that the girl was down, but if he didn't like the idea of her rampaging among her own. At least he could take a few punches unlike lightning rod guy. She struggled against her weight, but he stared firmly through the holes of his mask, mouth pressed in a small frown. "Calm down," he repeated firmly, emphasizing every word slowly. "you're a danger to everyone. Deep breathes, woman."