Andrea Trait Advancements: New General Trait: Slippery Upgrade General Trait: Awakened Meditation 2 New Unique Trait: Snake Whip, either through her magic, or a blessing from her goddess, ignoring any claims that she is death or banished still, her whip has become alive, the length of the whip a sentient, living snake that will bite any target she would hit with it's fangs. With time she hopes to either with her magic or more gifts from Lollth, add more snake heads and perhaps have them deliver poison from their bites (eg with trait upgrades). Upgrade Unique Trait: Divine Connection, Lollth's Aura, knowing certain her goddess still blesses her Andrea can will people to fear or fall into submissiveness to her by summoning Lollth's strange allure and charisma into being like an aura, but as expected from a goddess who prides herself on Chaos, she is fickle. If Andrea relies too much on this gift, her goddess will have her amusement by making the opposite of what Andrea wants to happen occur. ****** Ceann Trait Advancements: New General Trait: Slippery Upgrade General Trait: Sharp 2 New Unique Trait: Shadowstep, the ability to move from shadow to shadow, but not (yet without upgrade) through walls or closed doors. Upgrade Unique Trait: Hidden in Plain Sight, the way Ceann moves and acts, it is easy to forget or ignore her. She could be standing right in the middle of the room but is not noticed by anyone. (begin new addition) She has become so apt to this craft now that she somehow makes people ignore her even while she is in plain sight of them, she could brush past someone and they would ignore her presence as if she is just the wind.(end new addition)