Favourite animes, favourite animes... hmm. I haven't really watched many new/recent animes for quite some time so this list... might contain a few oldies, haha. I don't think these are in any particular order, I enjoyed them all. :D [hider=Favourite Animes] [center][youtube]s6f-jbMN5oQ[/youtube][/center] [u][b]Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex[/b][/u] Set in a cyberpunk world, Ghost in the Shell is one of the pinnacles of anime for me, focusing on themes of morality, ethics, technology, etc. The characters are amazing, the plots are intriguing and intense and the musical score is without par. Animation is also glorious. Each season contains a season long storyline that plays out across multiple episodes whilst also containing stand alone episodes that serve as great characterisation to the many characters. GitS is just... amazing. [center][youtube]Aw3fN3OPk3A[/youtube][/center] [u][b]Cowboy Bebop[/b][/u] Like GitS, Cowboy Bebop is one of the finest anime ever made with sublime animation, well realised characters and incredible music. One of the things I love about Cowboy Bebop is that, whilst it has a running subplot and a couple of two parters, for the most part each episode is again standalone and character centric. And it's probably got the best english dubbing ever. Anyone who's not watched it should go and do so immediately! [center][youtube]C_t47BVtPuE[/youtube][/center] [b][u]Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann[/u][/b] The most manly show in existence. [center][youtube]CZ-OyT4ivkM[/youtube][/center] [b][u]Planetes[/u][/b] I loved this show a lot. One of the few animes I watched and enjoyed of recent, it's just... fucking amazing. Such great feels. [center][youtube]2gh5H7eirWc[/youtube][/center] [b][u]Azumanga Daioh[/u][/b] The funniest show in the world, similar in vein to Lucky Star (and I'd guess probably K-On too, so you might enjoy it, Fox!), Azumanga Daioh is just funn. Every single damn time. [b]Honourable Mention[/b] [center][youtube]54dp8ucsGG8[/youtube][/center] [b][u]One Piece[/u][/b] The manga is my favourite series in the world, and well... the anime has to be up there too. The only thing holding it back is the absurd number of episodes, the dragged out pacing, awful filler and inconsistent animation. But when it gets it right, it really gets it right. The voice acting and music is top notch. I just wish they did a season thing with One Piece instead, adapting a year's worth of material in like... a 13/26 year ep season and do things that way instead of constantly making it a yearly show. ;~;[/hider]