That's right, we did have something about her trying to cure a loved one. Both her getting the cure from the loved one or on a journey could work. Maybe my character knows about a similar setup in a town nearby? If Elizabeth have been keeping banging her head against the wall she might be desperate, and thus thinks a trip to a nearby town sounds like a splendid idea. Nevermind the possibility of running across the infected or getting the disease another way, not to mention that there will be gangs killing and robbing everyone at sight. And my character would feel obligated to come along since she saved his life, sounds like something he would be really thrilled about... I don't remember if we discussed the idea with the parents loosing their childs, or if you just pitched the idea for me. Knowing me I probably said it was something we could do down the road, but I didn't want to commit until I had some time to think it over. You know when you say Texas and horror in the same sentence I think about The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, right? So now I want a guest appearance by Leatherman. ;) I do like the idea, I hear Texas are full of these unsavory types anyway so that would be totally realistic... Maybe they are trying to make their way to their uncle and aunts farm, hoping that they are still alive, and on the way they both meet some really fucked up creeps and have to do some really horrifying things as well. Could be interesting... The flu is never fun, I hope you are feeling better now. *offer a hug on the condition you are not contagious* ;)