The little battlefield alter grew with the prayer and labor of the faithful, and a healing rain swept over the town, washing away the soot and ash. It seemed mystical, how quickly the town recovered. Where only a day smoldering ruins had been next to a half burned house, by the next day there was only a pleasant home. The people could only attribute it to the air that had fallen over the town since the Emperor's arrival. Soon, the little battlefield alter had a chapel barn raised around it, and with the people fetching the steel of fallen weapons, the Emperor built a forge, a mighty manufactorium. Each piece he made once himself, crafting the tools to craft the piece, and showing the Followers how to use it, and them moving on to the next. By the end, a musket was forged. Then, an armored coat. "These are the instruments of peace. Too many in this world are monsters not to be swayed by words. The steel and fire of the Faithful shall see the way cleansed for those who follow after." The Emperor, needless to say, did not want for recruits. "But we must not forget that many can be swayed by kind deeds. We go to the mountains, not to visit vengeance upon them, but to take their burdens for our own. Those who have lost the path and slog through the mud, freed of their burdens, may rise again and find it." Few understood the Emperors words, but follow him they did, as he left for the mountains. [hider=Status] I'll just keep adding onto this status, so that if BBeast decided to add it, he only has to look up the last one. [b]1st Minion:[/b] 3/3 [b]2nd Minion:[/b] 0/5 [b]Location:[/b] Slightly north of the town of Hallowsdown 13S,5W [b]Dungeon:[/b] A village, a chapel that belches smoke and fire. [b]Minions:[/b] A few hundred villagers, but most are civilians, 35 followers and 25 Faithful [b]Resources:[/b] The village's harvest was undamaged and its reserves of steel have just begun to be tapped, sources of wood are low. [b]Compendium:[/b] The Emperor's origins are not yet widely known, but he made his appearance, standing tall above mortal men, graced with a halo, clad in white and gold armor, armed with advanced weaponry and healing magic. Saving the people of Hallowsdown from certain destruction, he has inspired many to service in his march for peace for all Elysium. [i]Follower[/i] - Imp Replacement. These Followers of the Emperor, many of whom have lost their families in battle, devote themselves solely to him. Prayers and labor, these humble servants grant him their service. Though they would gladly fight for him, they are not exactly trained combatants. [i]Faithful[/i]- First Minion. A soldier armed with a musket, bayonets, light armor, and the Emperor’s Word, these soldiers are nightmares in formation on an open field. Volleys of musket fire decimate most normal forces at range and disciplined bayonet walls prove adequate though not exceptional in close quarters. However, in rough terrain, wet weather, or mixed up with enemy forces, the Faithful quickly fall apart compared to monstrous minions. They are forced to stay in formation to be of use, which renders them vulnerable to spells or other area weapons as well as being cumbersome to maneuver around the field, despite their light armor. While the Faithful excel at defending positions, they would be very hard pressed to successfully attack an enemy position. Their armor has a metal helmet that covers the skull and eyes, though there is a large vulnerable slit for each eye. Then, they wear an armored coat, long sleeves and four tails, with a thin metal plate over the chest, one over the legs on each of the forward tails, and one on the upper arms outside. They wear sturdy boots and gloves. [/hider] ~~~~~ "No scouts have reported back.." A nervous spear carrying warrior informed the Champion. "Den, they come." The Champion responded, putting his pipe back in his mouth with a clawed gauntlet that seemed coated with ice. As he rose, it was all the command his troops needed. Four hundred followed him to the front lines. No armor, a variety of versatile spears their weapon of choice. They moved not in a marching tight formation, but a loose collaboration. Four lines of a hundred, staggered out so that if two lines contacted each other, they could run through each other or fight side by side effortlessly. Slightly less than 400 more waited in reserve in the city. The remaining 100 spellcasters were either with these reserves or atop the temple. Casualties: 25 scouts. Tier 1 non-magic warriors: 975 (400 front, 375 reserves, 200 guarding temple) Tier 2 Magic Warriors: 100 reserves/temple, 100 maintaining temple spell. Champion: 1 Frontline Loa: 1 ???