[quote=KabenSaal]snip[/quote] A good and unique backstory. There is one inconsistency with the lore, namely that you mentioned Emily's village to be destroyed in a war of Keepers. As explained by the OP, the Keepers are not native to Elysium. They arrived from other dimensions maybe a few months ago in IC time, and there have yet to be any large scale wars between Keepers, or even Keepers and humans. Thus far there have just been a few small skirmishes, with Clotho causing some mayhem in Virens and Calvartem pillaging the hinterlands of Paterdomus. [quote=The 42nd Gecko] "I suppose it'd be enough to just say that they felt like something was about to happen, I only ask out of curiosity because I don't think you mentioned why."Due to the tribes high animosity with each other, they would naturally spy and raid on each other. After having witnessed what happened to the Mutig... They would naturally fear the same was going to happen to them. And if none of their scouts made it back, they'd fear the same thing. This was vaguely hinted at when the champion mentioned the Mutig. [/quote] Ah. Makes sense.