Post is up! I hope the action in my post compensated for my absence, orz. Hope it's okay I changed things a wee bit differently than how Kei worded it re: Francesca's chair hahaha, but if it's not I can change it. It's just a minor thing :> --- In the meantime, I'm gonna answer Fox's question. :D These don't have an order either. I really should check out Hell Girl, Gurren Lagann, and Cowboy Bebop. Tokyo Magnitude 8.0's title reminds me too much of the 3/11 quake though so that's one I'm probably shy away from orz. [hider=animememes][img=] [img=] [img=] [b][u]Digimon[/u][/b] (Season 3) All the other seasons can go screw themselves, it's all about the Digitamers. :D --- [youtube]0jnCcejkpjg[/youtube] [img=] [img=] [img=] [img=] [b][u]Yugioh[/u][/b] (Seasons 0-4) I'm just gonna leave this here and walk away --- [youtube]P4WuiI1EoTI[/youtube] [b][u]Viewtiful Joe[/b][/u] Everything you need to know is in the clip. :D Basically a huge movie geek gets sucked into the world of movies and has to save the movie world from sheer destruction. His favorite movie hero of all time gives him movie-related powers (VFX) like Slow, Mach Speed, and Zoom-In. Based on the awesome video game series. --- [youtube]Lfmv7ZBpbAI[/youtube] [b][u]Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt[/b][/u] (Language warning) It's about two angels who were kicked out of heaven. :D [url=](There's this one too <3)[/url] --- [youtube]J0rVP6wN9bk[/youtube] [b][u]Shaman King[/b][/u] (Pun overdose warning) I think Pacman/Fox might appreciate this. :D Not sure if you guys will get some of them since they're in Japanese but it's worth a shot, orz. This series is so brilliant. --- Honorable mention: [youtube]c1U2ZnVa6Eo[/youtube] [b][u]Princess Jellyfish[/b][/u] It's about a guy who cross-dresses and that's all you need to know (well, he's more of a major supporting character, but he's what makes the show <3) ... where's my Borderlands anime ;__;[/hider]