It has been twenty years since the formation of the Assembly, and the galaxy is in a transitional stage. Three primary factions, the Rothians, Humans, and The Sovereignty, in addition to a smaller associate race, the Dirophyds, work to shape the future of the galaxy to varying ends. Our characters are specialists from many races and backgrounds who have been assigned to a newly formed, cross-species initiative designed to handle threats to galactic peace and stability. The first known contact between two spacefaring species was between the Rothians and Humans almost a thousand years ago. Although both had encountered simple alien life before, the discovery of an entire other civilization was somewhat of a shock to both. The two species engaged in trade and generally peaceful relations for several hundred years. The discovery of the Dirophyds about fifty years ago by the Rothians changed little, but the discovery of the Sovereignty, however, carried profound impacts across the known galaxy. The first meeting of the Humans and Sovereignty sparked a war that lasted around seven years, and eventually involved all known species. By its end, billions were dead, and several planets were irreversably devastated. Once the Rothians joined forces with the Humans, the Sovereignty was pushed back enough that both sides agreed to a treaty that, among other things, formed the Assembly of Pax, a cross-species governmental organization meant to prevent another war of its kind from occurring again. Universe Information: Neutrium: Neutrium is the matter form of an energy field, called the neutrium field, that is omnipresent and mostly evenly distributed through the universe. It is a solid at room temperature and is formed in high intensity, high energy locations where the neutrium field condenses, such as neutron stars, supernovae, and the accretion disks of active black holes. It may also be found in small quantities in places such as asteroid fields, as it is often a byproduct of solar system formation. Its usefulness to the galaxy is undeniable, as without it, galactic civilization could not exist. Under the right conditions, neutrium can excite the energy field in ways that seem to bend the fabric of the universe itself. With neutrium, a ship can bend space around it, creating a "bubble" that allows the vessel to reach its much faster than light could travel the same distance. Under different conditions, neutrium can have other effects, not all of which are well understood, despite considerable research on the subject. Magic: "Magic" is a phenomena created by the brain of an individual interacting with the neutrium field to create reality-bending results.. The mechanisms behind it are much more well-understood than in ancient times, so to most people, it has no supernatural appearance, but the supersticious title of magic has been in common vernacular for centuries. Magic users can mentally manipulate the neutrium field in a large variety of ways, such as the creation of heat by exciting molecules, manipulation of electromagnetic forces to create electricity, telekinesis, and countless other forms of magic. Extended use of such abilities can be exhausting, depending on training, but are often rather potent. Not everyone can use magic, however. Only individuals born with the ability can manipulate the neutrium field in any capacity. The exact reason why individuals are or are not born with the ability to use magic is not entirely understood. It is genetic, but is not guaranteed to pass down to a child, and those with no family history of magic use can occasionally be born with the ability. A species must be exposed to neutrium at some point for magic to begin to manifest in the population, and the brains of magic users contain small amounts of neutrium, but exposure to the substance at any point during development does not influence the chance of the child becoming a magic user in any way. It is theorized that the neutrium may form in the brains of magic users via small interactions with the neutrium field. Implants: Prosthetics and implants are relatively common throughout the galaxy, though most can only match the the natural capabilities of the body for those who have been injured or otherwise disabled. Expensive "normal" implants can sometimes impart a very slight improvement over natural function, but it is the neutrium-based implants that can provide real improvement. Using neutrium to more easily interact with the brain, these implants are capable of providing significant improvements over almost any aspect of the body. Some can heighten muscular strength and bone density to lead to much greater strength, while others can improve endurance or regeneration to unnatural levels. Some implants can provide enhanced mental function as well, such as through improved reaction times or occular implants that provide a convenient, intelligent HUD. Drawbacks to these implants include not only the expense required to recieve them, but the restrictions on who can use them. Because the implants make use of neutrium to operate, the bodies of those with the capability to use magic will reject the implants, so magic and advanced implants cannot be used simultaneously. A good deal of research has been focused onto creating powerful implants that magic-users can use, but there have been no useful results as of yet. The Assembly of Pax: Formed after the end of the war with the Sovereignty, the Assembly is a united government organization headquartered on the neutral world of Pax. Humans, Rothians, and the Sovereignty all provide delegates to represent their interests in the Assembly. The Dirophyds are considered a part of the Assembly and do have some representation, but are not yet populous enough, or organized enough to recieve full representation. The Assembly establishes basic constants for use throughout the galaxy, such as a standard calendar, currency, and measurement systems, as well as regulating anything relating to how the various civilizations interact with one another. Each species is completely autonomous withing their own borders, and no Assembly law can govern matters that occur within a species' own space, with their own citizens, that does not influence another species, unless a mutually-agreed upon treaty specifies that it does. Assembly law applies in situations that involve interactons between the governments, individuals, and other entities of different civilizations. --- Assembly Species: [hider=Humans] Species name: Human Home world: Earth Description: (You should know this.) Architecture and Technology: Human architectural styles vary drastically depending upon culture. Generally, Human technology is slightly less advanced than that of other species, but makes up for it by being very easy and cheap to produce. As a result, Human technology tends to be highly prolific across the galaxy, especially in places where resources are more scarce. Human weaponry is generally based on ballistics (conventional guns) or explosives, though the ballistics travel at exceptional speeds to keep up in damage with other, energy based weapons. Their ship and vehicle designs for military tend to be straightforward and functional, characterized by angled plates and plain colors. For civilian ships, designs can vary greatly depending upon the country of origin. Magic: Roughly 40% of the Human population can use magic, and they have been able to create effective training programs and classes for their military and civilian magic users. Government: The Humans do not have a single unified government. The closest analogue they have is the United Nations, which has grown in influence since the discovery of the other species. Despite this, several governments operate independently from the UN, though the vast majority of humanity‘s power lies in the UN. Among these rogue factions are The Order of the Mother Bear and The Virtus Empire. Society: (Essentially, imagine all of the cultures we have today. Highly variable) History: Since Humans developed space travel, they have been expanding rapidly throughout the galaxy. Once Humanity discovered neutrium, they were able to use it to develop faster than light travel, as well as having magic manifest in their population. After a century, they made contact with the Rothians. Once they were able to study each other long enough to breach the language barrier, they quickly engaged in mostly positive diplomatic relations. Several trade deals were created, though the two species remained largely independent. It was two hundred years before they encountered another species, but the encounter was considerably less peaceful. The Sovereignty attacked the first world in which they encountered humans, sparking a war that lasted seven years. As Humanity had not been prepared for a war on such a large scale, they were steadily pushed back through the first few years of the war, taking heavy casualties in the process. Increased wartime production meant that the Sovereignty's progress did slow over time, but it was not until the Rothians joined in militarily that they were able to push back and recapture lost territory. The war ended in a treaty which culminated in the formation of the Assembly of Pax, a united governmental organization created for the purpose of preventing another war between the species from occurring again. [/hider] [hider=Rothians] Race Name: Rothian Home world: Rothia Average height: 7.9 feet Description: Immortal reptilian, egg-laying humanoids who are the tallest of the races that, while they appear relatively slender, have a high muscle density. They are bipedal with digitigrade legs and a moderately long and muscular tail, though they maintain a very straight posture. They have thick scales, giving them a minor amount of natural armor. Their hands have four clawed digits, while their feet each have three clawed digits. Compared to humans, they have less defined shoulders with thicker and longer necks, as well as a raptor-like head. Scale colors and patterns are highly variable among the population. The only noticeable external difference between males and females of the species are that females have a distinctly feminine body shape. (Similar in appearance to [url=]this[/url].) Architecture and Technology design: Most everything they create is designed to appear rounded and flowing to represent the best of high class society. They usually avoid sharp angles in their structures in favor of more aesthetically pleasing curved designs. Usually, their cities and buildings are meant to appear clean and pure, so their structures usually have a metallic appearance, with their primary color usually being white. Rothian technology is the most advanced in the galaxy, and most notable for its widespread use of practical cold fusion technology in even small devices. They also make use of a great deal of machine labor and servants in both civilian and military roles, though true A.Is are not common. A.Is are generally only used to coordinate massive operations such as the workings of entire planets or fleets. The most notable use of A.Is are in neutrium extraction from the accretion disk of active black holes, where they are all but required to perform such complicated tasks. (Close approximation of a Rothian ship, with a more clean, white exterior and green lights which act as amplifiers for the shields: [url=]) Rothian fighter/medium transport: [url=] (Close approximation of a Rothian rifle, but less angular with green lights across the weapon and a circular structure just above the trigger where the magazine (which is also circular) is loaded: [url=]) Magic: Only about 5% of the Rothian population can use magic. In civilian sectors, mages use their abilities to aid the general population in ways technology cannot, while in the military, mages are almost exclusively used in special operations divisions. Government: The Rothian government which controls the homeworld and its colonies, the Vu'sho'to'Ka (Will of the People) is, at its core, authoritarian. Due to their immortality, their leaders have been governing their society since its creation. The highest office of power is actually a council of seven ancient Rothians whose wisdom are trusted by all beneath them. All officials in the central government are either appointed directly by the council or other high ranking officials, though the council maintains strict oversight of all appointed officials to prevent corruption. For an individual planet, all officials are elected for terms that last generally between fifty and one hundred years, depending on the office. It is required for all planets to have a civilian oversight organization in order to prevent government corruption. Military: The Rothian military doctrine is to rely not on numbers, but quality, effective troops. Although military training is required for all citizens to ensure the protection of all their worlds, none are forced to join their armed forces, so their military is notably smaller than most. Though they have a relatively small fleet, their ships are among the most advanced in the galaxy. As a general rule, the Rothians are not aggressive in the galaxy and have never actually started a war with another species, though they are more than prepared to fight defensively. The technology which the Rothians use is highly advanced, boasting strong energy shields and armor plating which is both impact and heat resistant. Their soldiers wear different armor based on their role, but in general, they use lightweight plated armor made from synthetic materials that is designed to hinder mobility as little as possible. Personal energy shielding is standard among all Rothian soldiers. Their ranged weaponry, which have the same curved an flowing aesthetic as their ships and structures, fire small projectiles that, as soon as they leave the weapon, activate a self-sustaining microfusion reaction contained by a magnetic field. As soon as the ball of energy (which has a green hue due to the technology that creates the magnetic field), strikes a surface, the field bursts and transfers all of the projectile's energy to a surface, which burns through most substances. In order to prevent the shot from dropping with gravity, the magnetic field that contains the fusion energy is also used to keep the projectile on a straight course. The only exception to this rule is their sniper weaponry, which fires a beam of fusion energy contained within a stable magnetic field. The rifle must charge before firing and can be overcharged for a more powerful shot, though the weapon much be allowed to cool for a short time afterwards. Due to the size of the Rothians, their weapons are often considered large in the hands of most of the other races. Society: Rothian society is based on the goal of providing the highest standard of living possible to the people, which they have accomplished more completely than any other race. Their standard of living on most of their worlds it at such a height that most citizens still live what many would consider a wealthy life. Although there is an "upper" and "lower" class, the lower class is far from what most races would consider poor. The system is not perfect, as crime and corruption are still an issue, but strict governmental controls make such things more rare. To prevent governmental corruption, civilian oversight groups are required to monitor government activities. In order to achieve such a high standard of living, the Rothians had to make what some might consider sacrifices in civil rights. For example, the government places heavy controls on the population level. Most couples will never have children due to both strict genetic requirements for the privilege, and due to the species' low death rate. In order for two Rothians to legally have a child, they must apply formally to their local Bureau of Population Affairs and await approval, a process that can take centuries. The punishment for illegally having a child is the sterilization of both parents, as well as a heavy fine. When a Rothian is hatched, they are examined for genetic favorability. If the individual is considered genetically unfavorable, the child is sterilized immediately. Another method they use to raise the standard of living is through heavy mining of uninhabited worlds and other celestial bodies, which is owned exclusively by the government. Rothians place high value on their culture and traditions, which is evident in their single oldest and most prevalent belief systems, which is called To'rorta'sho'Vita (The Way of Life). It is not a true religion as there are no deities, rather, it is a way of life that many chose to follow. It promotes ideas of altruism and charity, while at the same time encouraging personal fulfillment. It requires one to honor and respect the old traditions and art forms as much at possible, so as a result, the arts are very prevalent in Rothian society. Many Rothians take up some art form at the very least as a hobby, or support the arts in other ways. Paintings, music, and other creative styles are often flowing and natural, much like many other aspects of their culture. Their belief system also requires that one search for their own personal balance in life for personal fulfillment. It does not specify what that balance should be, instead, it requires that each person seek their own personal balance and pursue it as their goal, though that goal cannot interfere with the ability of others to seek their own fulfillment. Since male and female Rothians are almost identical in average height, weight, strength, and so on, societal differentiation between genders is completely non-existent. Men and women wear the same styles of clothing, fill the same roles, and (on average) follow the same style of living. Due to their lack of external reproductive organs, there are no laws or social stigmas against not wearing clothing, but it is still a social norm for them to wear clothing, as their clothes is often used to display status. The styles of Rothian clothing are always changing, but generally, they follow the same flowing patterns as the rest of their artistic styles. Clothing made from slightly reflective materials is popular, though colors and designs vary based on individual artistic taste. Because their legs are digitigrade, shoes are hard to make in a way that is comfortable to wear, though some still choose to wear them. Generally, they either wrap their feet in decorative cloth or simply wear nothing on them. Important worlds: The Rothians have settled a number of worlds that bring in resources and wealth, but there are a few systems that make a large impact on the overall Rothian economy. Rothia: The Rothian homeworld is a lush world which roughly 8,000 miles in diameter at the equator. The planet has a single moon, as well as an impressive ring system for a terrestrial world. Most of the planet is a temperate forest with large mountain ranges scattered across its four continents. It is a highly geologically active planet, giving it a greater number of volcanoes than most planets, though relatively common eruptions means that more devastating volcanic cataclysms are rare. Due to the wind currents generated by the planet's ubiquitous mountain ranges, it has a higher than average number of flying creatures, such as its most famous animal: the "Ro," in the Rothian language. They are a type of large, quadrupedal, flying reptilians that bear a physical similarity to dragons from human mythology. Many species of Ro exist, one of which is an immortal species from which the Rothians themselves evolved. Despite the fact that Rothia has the highest population of any Rothian planet, around three billion, much of the world is still undeveloped and in its natural state. The system which contains Rothia has other planets that are mined for precious resources. Throssai and Syr'Jakra: Throssai is a gas giant with a spectacular ring system located in a binary star system within Rothian space. Though the reason for it is quite a mystery, the planet is notable for having an unusually high concentration of deuterium, an isotope of hydrogen that is used in their fusion technology. The Rothians constructed massive floating cities in the planet's upper atmosphere in order to collect the gas, which has made it a rather wealthy colony. While these settlements were originally simple mining platforms, they have evolved into true cities. Each platform is a self-contained metropolis that is completely sealed from the storms outside, and each one uses some of the most advanced technology the Rothians have to offer. The platforms are very expensive to maintain as they have to import almost every resource, but tourism and deuterium mining make them highly profitable regardless. In addition to its ring system, Throssai has a total of thirty-four moons, and while many of them have minor settlements, only one contains true cities, Syr'Jakra (Small Sanctuary). The moon is about 3,700 miles in diameter at its equator and is completely habitable. After only minor terraforming, the Rothians were able to establish settlements that evolved into sprawling cities in only a few hundred years. The world has complicated ecology with many different types of biomes, ranging from swamps, to forests, to deserts. The moon has only one mountain range, but it extends across the equator of the entire moon. Due to its low gravity and the unique ancient cataclysm that formed the mountains, they are some of the tallest in Rothian space. In fact, the highest of the mountains is just over twelve miles tall. Because of the moon's unique and interesting geology and stunning view of Throssai's rings from its surface, it has become a popular tourist destination, although anyone who wishes to stay on the world for an extended period must exercise regularly due to the low gravity. Anskaria: With almost 98% of its surface covered by oceans, Anskaria would not have been considered as a major settlement were it not for its location in the galaxy. Settled shortly after the establishment of trade relations with humanity, this planet, which is only slightly smaller than Rothia, is at a prime location to make it a hub of galactic trade. Even after the Sovereignty, Anskaria still remains in an excellent location for trade with all races. As a result, Anskaria has the highest percentage of non-Rothian permanent residents of any of their worlds, with Rothians making up a mere 54% of the total population. Some of the Rothian government's more strict laws have been relaxed on this planet, but the population restrictions are still enforced. Although the total population is higher than any Rothian world, at around 4.63 billion, there are only around 2.5 billion Rothians. Due to the planet's low amount of land, most of the population is contained within cities. The planet has more business incorporated on it than any other Rothian world due to both its location and favorable tax laws. The system also contains a gas giant that is mined for deuterium, but it is not as significant as Throssai. Rith'Kara: This planet is a large and slightly arid planet located in the solar system closest to Rothia, and as such was one of the first planets colonized by the Rothians. It has nearly twice the mass as Rothia, so it is a high gravity world with expansive plains and few mountains. Originally a full desert, Rith'Kara was terraformed over time to become more easily habitable, so most of the planet now resembles a savanna and contains small seas. The planet's high gravity hinders the construction of skyscrapers, so cities tend to expand outward instead of upward. As the Rothians expanded to other planets, this world would likely have been all but abandoned were it not for the sheer mineral wealth of not only the planet, but the rest of the solar system. Many other bodies throughout the system, while not habitable, contain high concentrations of useful materials. It is for this reason that Rith'Kara is the Rothians' largest manufacturing center of both civilian and military goods. The shipyards above the planet produce even more military spaceships than Rothia, which is why the planet is the most well-guarded Rothian world other than Rothia itself. Rith'Kara's star is in its red giant phase, so it is also a source of neutrium. History: The first stable Rothian civilization was established 52,138 years ago (year zero on the Rothian calendar). It was led by a council of seven Rothians called the Rahn'Saki (enlightened masters) , the same seven who still lead the race today. They proved to be more effective leaders than those of other civilizations, so, over the course of tens of thousands of years, they slowly absolved other nations into their own culture, usually through diplomacy and cultural superiority than military conquest. Eventually, the entirety of Rothia was under the control of a single government led by the Rahn'Saki. By this time, the Rothians had enough scientific and biological knowledge to know that they could change their race entirely. The Rahn'Saki recognized that the Rothians' bodies were ill-suited to create the civilization they desired. The spread of their civilization and the advancement of knowledge had moved amazingly slowly due to the limitations their bodies posed, so they made the conscious decision to alter their race's form. They imposed strict laws on the population, which were met with heavy resistance. It led to the largest rebellion in Rothian history that lasted well over a thousand years, but ultimately, the Rahn'Saki emerged victorious. Generation by generation, the Rothians shaped their bodies into their modern form. Because of the sheer number of individuals that were sterilized to create what the Rahn'Saki considered the perfect form, the population of Rothians able to bear children was staggeringly low. While many believed that efforts should be made to raise the population, the Rahn'Saki saw the benefit in a low population. They would be able to spread out the entire planet's resources across relatively few people, leading to an overall higher standard of living. As Rothian civilization advanced, the number of old, "subprime" Rothians began to decline as they died of accidents, disease, and so on. Whereas old Rothians used to make up half of the population, by the time they achieved space travel, modern Rothians made up about 99% of the population. Rothian space flight capability expanded rapidly, and it was not long after they discovered the element neutrium that they were exploring other solar systems. After a few hundred years of expansion, the Rothians finally discovered alien life in the form of the Humans just over a thousand years ago. With the use of A.I assisted translators, they eventually broke through the communication barrier and brokered a formal peace. They traded with each other freely, though their cultures remained largely separate for some time. Once the Masulu were discovered and started their war against the Humans, the Rothians provided any form of non-military aid they could and attempted diplomacy with the hostile race. Eventually, the Masulu began to use tactics that left entire worlds desolate, so the Rothians finally agreed to step in militarily. With both the Humans and Rothians working together, they were able to steadily drive back the Masulu, which eventually led to the peace treaty the Rothians had been wanting. Out of the war, the Assembly of Pax was formed between the three species with the purpose of preventing the galaxy from falling into such a war again. [/hider] [hider=The Sovereignty] The Sovereignty Masulu: [url=]lMasulu[/url] (Best example. They differ in the fact that they don't have the lower set of arms and their lower bodies are more proportional to the upper body. Also the arms come down just below the pelvis.) On the head. On Average the Masulu are 7 feet tall. Due to the way Masulu evolved and their homeworld being covered in mostly water Masulu are extremely good swimmers and can survive under water for an hour or more at a time. Their head spike is also used as a weapon very much and can re-grow in about a month if it is severed from the body. Masulu breed in the same fashion as most mammals. Tempu: Centuar like race. Hands have six fingers due to genetic manipulation over last 1,000 years, They did not notice. K-9 like head, Body completely covered in hair which is akin to chinchilla fur. Mainly used by the Masulu for farming and in events of wars lasting more than a year Are drafted. Average out at 6 feet tall. Tempu breed similar to most mammals. Upper level Government: There are three primary leaders of the Sovereignty. The Consilium as it translates into the standard galactic language is the name of this group of primary leaders. The way these officials come to power is that they must have served in every branch of the military for a total of 5 years in each department. This is to give the leaders of the Sovereignty a grasp of what all of their troops must go through in times of war. After a pool of about 20 candidates are picked out by the heads of each branch of the armed forces a election is held. All Sovereign worlds and citizens are allowed to vote. The top six candidates are then picked out of this group and are then sent to a space station run by Shen's Warriors. Here the leadership of the guard put the candidates through a series of tasks that are not known to the public. Shen's Warriors then give three candidates their endorsement and all 6 are allowed to run again. This election though determines the three heads. The quota for the chairs is at least one Masulu and at least one Tempu to fill two of the seats. The third seat can be held by either race, though the third seat has always been held by a Masulu. Architecture: Sovereign building styles are rigid and usually contain overlapping armor plates and arches supporting these structures [url=]Good representation though the ship scales are off slightly.[/url] [url=]More examples.[/url] Drop Ships and Gunships:[url=]Drop ship, blue tint respectively.[/url] [url=]Gun ship, again blue.[/url] Weaponry type: Plasma weaponry. Highly destructive and damaging. Only recently has the technology to properly cool these weapons has been made. For the past 1,000 years heat has been a constant problem for these weapons. [url=]Example of Sovereign weapons.[/url]. Although there would be a bit longer and fire larger plasma rounds. Tempu use more throw away weaponry . All weapons follow the rigid blue pattern. Armour: Sovereignty Energy shielding is different then the rest of the races. Masulu armor contains multiple energy shield emitters that when activated will add an extra layer of protection from enemy attacks. These personal energy shields are white. There shielding is good against ballistic weapons as this is what rebellious entities have an extremely easy time getting their hands on. It is also very good against there own weaponry. Heavy armor: The Sovereignty began to replace all of it's treaded and wheel based heavy vehicles soon after the Tempu were incorporated into The Sovereignty. This was do to the belief that all warfare from now on would most likely be conducted in either urban settings or in near impassable terrain. The days of open field warfare were done. Mech squads and even battalions were organized and began to replace conventional tanks. Usually these squads operate in groups of 4-5 neurally linked pilots. In general there are 4 classes of mech: [url=]Light[/url] [url=]Medium[/url] [url=]Heavy[/url] [url=]Artillery/Super Heavy[/url] Military doctrine: Their tactics usually involve "blitzkreig" in the opening engagements, it then becomes a more convential attack with heavy mech battalions and orbital strikes. Life spans: The Masulu can live in extreme cases up to 400 years. The average though is about 300. They reach maturity of age 20, They have little affect of aging on them till they are close to 260. The Tempu can live up to on average 100, Extreme is 180. Tempu can reach full maturity as young as 14, due to selective breeding. Vansher prime, Masulu Homeworld: The Masulu's homeworld was a medium sized world with a cold-temperate climate. At the beginning of the Masulu space age the planet began to slip into an ice age. Since the Masulu never used fossil fuels widely they had little idea of how to stop it. This caused the Masulu to accelerate their study of biology and space exploration greatly in an attempt to survive. This was when a global community formed as they raced to save themselves. But knowing that they would not survive without their local ecology the Masulu took copies of all the flora and fauna on their planet and created their first AI to manage all the data they were collecting. They built a orbital elevator near the equator and a large city around it in their efforts to not slip back to the stone age. This is now the most significant land mark on the planet and the elevator while not used for industrial hauling anymore is still operational and available for use by tourists. Tempu Homeworld: The Tempu's homeworld is a cold-temperate world aswell. Hence why the Tempu are covered in fur. The Masulu discovered them just as they had put there first person into orbit. The Masulu offered the planet an uplift from there current tech, most agreed. The ones that didn't the Tempu themselves wiped out. Without any influence from the Masulu. It was also discovered that the asteroids in there home system have the element Silentium in them and where those mined. They correctly serve as a massive colony complex where mining is no longer occurring. Seat of Government:The "Righteous Conquest" Is the super massive space station that also holds "The Capitulum". Which is the primary structure aboard the station and where the Consilium resides normally. "Righteous Conquest": The super massive space station is the seat of government, symbol of power, and most powerful thing in the entire navy. It is built around a massive chunk of a planet. It is in a tear shape with a dome top. There are also massive shield arrays along the entirety of the chunk of the planet. The central building of the "Righteous Conquest" is the remnants of the original colony ship that the chunk of the planet was ripped with. Of course this ship has been upgraded as time tech advanced and in the event that the station was about to be destroyed the ship could detach and carry the council away to safety. The station also boasts a FTL drive to go along with the massive armaments that could cleave most capital ships in half. The station has water recycling stations and grows a small amount of its own food. Most of the food for the 3 billion strong Masulu population and 1 billion Tempu comes from the taxes that are on all Sovereignty planets. Current "Capitulum" members: Masulu leaders: Absolution, Retribution. Tempu leader: Sun,Tempa Planetary government: A planetary governor is elected every 4 years. You can only run once and you have to have served a term in the military in order to run. planetary governor's are also given a less advanced AI which has a run time of 4-5 years. System government: A system governor is Also voted upon with the planetary governor's vote counting for two. Military service is again required. They must have at least attained the rank of squad master if they wish to run. Crime & Punishment: Crime is dealt with very harshly within the Sovereignty's borders. Upon entering their space you are agreeing to submit to all laws that they have established. Whippings and death penalties are both used in their borders. Petty crimes such as minor theft are given penalties of being forced to attend a reform camp which allows "prisoners" to learn new skills and learn how to become a more productive member of society. Though secondary offenses are given whippings and actual jail time. Violent crimes like sexual assault or assault are given whippings and minor extended reform time. Secondary offense of these are given life imprisonment. However treason, genocide or murder are all given a streamlined execution by firing squad or ejection into space. Killing in self defense however is allowed though closely scrutinized by courts. Corruption is also very closed watched for and is considered a serious offense again resulting in jail time and some times execution. Culture: Masulu and Tempu culture are for the most part the same thing as they have been in contact for so long. They are generally proud and thrill seeking individuals, which the government does endorse. Religion is generally not part of their lives though most people identify as being part of the Branka religion which is the worship of Shen. Shen is technology in the form of a kind of god. It is also believed that he does have a form that exists, though he will not intervene until either the Sovereignty is in dire need or near the singularity. Most citizens of the Sovereignty strive to help themselves and the empire at large. Although with the Sovereignty's inclusion into to the Assembly and more than generous offers for their cheaply and efficient goods several have turned towards more self benefit, while this could be a problem most of these Entrepreneurs have been more than willing to give their fair share. A fiercely loyal populace combined with a flourishing economy has seen Nationalism fly for the Sovereignty. Shen's warriors: What little is known of this group is mostly due to their relationship with the "Consilium". They serve as the elite honor guard for the heads of the autocracy. [url=]Public appearance.[/url] It is known that soldiers who nearly or do die valiantly are rewarded with continued service to the Sovereignty in the form of becoming one of these elite troops.(Assuming they can be recovered in a timely manner of course.) It is unknown who any individual once was or who long they live after becoming one. It is guessed that the oldest warrior has been one for close to 1,000 years. Sovereign History: The true history of the Sovereignty begins in the late mid-evil period with a nation state called "Divaajin" which meant paradise in the old standard language. This nation state was renowned for it's tactical prowess and logistical capability. They managed to break up more than four empires by quickly assaulting a capital and holding it for a long enough time as to bring a mass of supplies back to their native island. Up until gunpowder was widely used, these islanders managed to act as crusaders. But when the advent of gun powder came the natives entirely changed their tactics. They began to act as a near global police. They accomplished this by raiding trade ships for what they needed. Though no one was able to wipe them from the sea no matter how rich they were. This led to nearly everyone paying them for protection against other pirates and the islanders themselves. These relationships lasted well into the information age in which the Divaajin acted as entirely a police force for the world. Though during the end of a world war a large portion of the world was given to the nation due to no one having faith in their own elected officials. Events like this occurred until the hub of the entire planet became this island. They officially became "The Sovereignty" when the planets inhabitants realized that they were doomed to a ice age that would wipe them out if they did not act. The Sovereignty at this point was given the resources to accelerate it's people into the stars. Around this time the first "true" AI came about, the main reason for it though was to store all the genetic information of every plant and animal species on their homeworld. The Sovereignty's first planet outside of their home system to be colonized was a densely forested planet. Though not long after colonization of this exo-planet a revolt occurred. The revolt lasted about four years in total and was the first real war The Sovereignty had experienced. This war gained the nickname "Rain forest war" due to it's brutal nature and environment. This war however was only a minor set back in what became extremely aggressive colonization of other planets. Sovereign interstellar infrastructure barely kept up with the strain of new colonies that came about. Though the Masulu were lucky in the fact that most of the planets they found early on required little terraforming and acclimatization. This rate of expansion continued until the Masulu made contact with their first sentient alien species. This species was the Tempu, a race that at the time of their discovery had just entered the atomic age and had launched their first satellite. The entirety of Sovereign space was in awe of the fact that they had made contact with another alien race. Though the decision makers of the Sovereignty debated the subject intensely for a period of a year, a conclusion was reached. They had given their researchers enough time to decode the natives speech and figured out where the capitol of their largest nation was. Several messages were sent and a Masulu warship was instructed to sit at one of the planets moons until a response was given. Eventually one was given to them and a small drop ship was sent with a diplomatic group aboard. When they landed they were given a very welcome greeting and many gifts, though they were all declined. The diplomat offered the chance for their species to be uplifted and join the Masulu among the stars or they could continue along their path of progress uninterrupted. They immediately accepted the former offer. Though it is said not all of the nations agreed. They had already given themselves the name "Tempu" and it was decided that this fit easily enough into the Masulu language so it stayed. The first century was rough for both parties as several dissidents from both sides arose. Although these problems eventually subsided and full integration was achieved. It was also found that given the opportunity the Tempu were very capable of extreme population booms. One such boom occurred after integration was achieved and it was then decided that restrictions were needed on their habits. After these issues were taken care of aggressive colonization was taken up again. The Sovereignty went through several hundred years of relative peace with only minor uprising's ever so often but these were crushed with a iron fist. But after these peace times something changed. A human colony named Chakas II was encountered by a Sovereign exploratory vessel. The vessels 3 man crew was startled when they found another sentient civilization. They spent 3 days attempting to stay hidden and documenting the aliens and on the forth day reported back to fleet command. One of the more interesting things that they found was that this race was in fact space faring to some degree as they had orbital structures and what appeared to be several war ships. Protocol was clear on how to handle such a event and protocol was followed to the letter. The second fleet of "Vindictive Measure" arrived in system 3 weeks later and wiped out the few war ships in orbit in the opening salvo. The humans did not get the chance to fire a single shot from their ships. The fleet quickly surrounded the few orbital structures and boarded them. Casualties were rather low and the rest of the humans were rounded up and kept on the station. A fair few linguists and scientists were also brought along with the fleet and were put on the orbital station to decipher the alien language. In the ensuing 4 weeks ground forces were deployed to the planet below and centers of governance were occupied with little resistance. Protocol dictated that they give this race the two choices: Join the Sovereignty or be left alone in the universe. But in order to do this communication must be established. The researchers in orbit worked tireless to come up with translations using the humans on the stations to help them. 31 days it took them to translate enough to be able to hold a conversation. But something else happened. A large human fleet jumped into the system and engaged the 2nd fleet in naval combat. Several salvos were traded between the fleets but the humans had brought along many more ships then the Sovereignty had. The engagement in space lasted 23 hours before the remnants of the sovereign fleet retreated. Not all ground forces were able to evac the planet and were stuck. However Masulu reinforcements were already on their way when this engagement took place. The result was after 3 months of furious fighting the Sovereignty took the planet and evicted the humans. This was the beginning of the Sovereign-Coalition war. Seven years the war lasted. With the Rothians only entering the war after five years when the Sovereignty started burning worlds to but cinder. The war had several brutal battles some of which took place on major trade worlds where deaths numbered in the billions. While others took place over barren military outposts in an attempt to slow the enemies. The war started out in the Sovereignty's favor as they also kept their military in top shape, while the humans had gone through a historically long peace time. The Sovereignty conquered many worlds before any actual defenses could be erected to slow them. However the battles began to increasingly even out. Once the Rothians joined in however the Sovereignty began to lose planets it had taken from the humans and seen a few of it's own worlds destroyed. The Sovereignty new that soon they would begin to lose the war entirely and their society would be threatened. Peace talks began as the war started it's march into the 8th year. Intense negotiations were had spanning several weeks but eventually an agreement was reached. The Sovereignty was allowed to keep several of the worlds it had taken early on in the war as their populations had already began to move in. While almost all of their pre war planets were given back. However they had to surrender some economic aid to the humans in rebuilding their worlds that had been destroyed in the fighting. However there was one other stipulation to the agreement, the 4 species must join to form a galactic government. While this caused out rage among most of the populaces all of the leaders saw this as a rather necessary step. It has been 20 years since the founding of the Assembly and the galactic calendar. The Sovereignty while being some what open to trade has been rather slow to do so in the event that they slipped back into another war. [/hider] [hider=Dirophyds] Race name: Dirophyds Average Height: 5-6 feet General Appearance: Humanoid in posture. Silver, almost metal looking, skin. Slightly shorter than humans on average. No hair, but males have bone-like structures raising about four inches off of their heads similar to antlers. Eyes are completely green and glow lightly. Physiology: Generally have a wiry musculature. Eyes of pure almost glowing green. Naturally impressive eyesight, although they do better in the dark than in the light due to centuries underground which benefits both mining and working in low light situations. Government: The Dirophyds are ruled by a council of the most prominent merchants and engineers, this system has been in place for centuries with only a few uprisings and splinters. military: The Dirophyds’s military is very small and is mostly used for protecting mining operations from privateers and other threats. Their weapons are usually repurposed mining lasers and explosives. They do however, have many mercenary fleets on their payroll. General description: The Dirophyds are a normally peaceful race that focuses on building advanced asteroid mining tools and ships. Their advances in asteroid mining and advanced engines have not gone unnoticed amongst the other factions as many businesses have contracted Dirophyds engineers to work on projects and assist in mining ventures. Homeworld: Dirophyd Asteroid Field. The Dirophyds home is within a large Asteroid field that is believed to be the remains of their original homeworld from centuries ago. Many Dirophyds believe that the cataclysm that caused their planet’s destruction was merely a deity's way to propel the Dirophyds into the stars. Many more believe these fanatics to be insane. The asteroid field is protected by an array of solar powered shield generators and hidden traps. Dirophyd controlled planets: The Dirophyds ‘control’ quite a few planets in their sector, but their tendency to build their homes in massive underground tunnels has made them difficult to find. Weaponry: Most of their weapons are purchased from arms dealers. They do still make a few of their own. Meeko machine pistol: light automatic sidearm and standard issue to most peacekeepers and spec ops troopers. Loop Ion rifle: Heavy Ion rifle made for the purpose of disabling automated defenses and drones. Light mining laser: rifle sized mining tool that can be used as a weapon in drastic situations. Notable Ship models: Kiratiori Fighter/transport: Multi-purpose fighter. Three man crews. powerful engines. Weak yet quickly recharging shields. three round burst laser cannon originally meant to blast small asteroids. popular amongst Dirophyds privateers due to their high maneuverability and availability. Pik Cruiser: Generally a mining craft. Sixteen man crew. Decent engines. Stable shields meant to protect the ship from stray asteroids during mining operations. Heavy mining laser able to blast through large asteroids in minutes after a seven minute charge. heavy mining explosives. Usually carrying at least three Kiratiori fighters. Morol Capital Defense ship: Three currently in service. Eighty man crew to operate effectively. Known to be the only Dirophyds ships originally manufactured for combat due to paranoia of prominent mercenary groups targeting mining operations. Thirteen different shield generators across the ship meant to hold a constant charge in heated combat. Two hangar bays each with up to eighteen Kiratiori fighters. Large ion cannon in the front with two anti-ship batteries under it. Forty light laser batteries on either side for anti-fighter combat. Known military branches: Special operations corps: Formed in response to military escalation of local pirates. Trained in close combat and sabotage. Spread into groups of three. each team is given a specially equipped Kiratiori with heavier weaponry and advanced stealth measures. Normally deployed to infiltrate and sabotage enemies and escape before they are detected. This path is almost completely untaken as any that join the Corps are forced to cut all ties with family and are not allowed to return home. Formed and led by Rukon Hirrani. Peacekeepers: Soldiers trained to police the public and protect them from pirates.Due to the competitiveness of the Dirophyds merchants, many citizens must join the Peacekeepers to provide for their families. Well trained and decently equipped, the peacekeepers have also become the primary military force of the Dirophyd. General Ithiray Notiri. [/hider] Character Sheet: Name: Species: Height: Age: Gender: Appearance: Equipment: Skills/Abilities: Background: --- Accepted Characters: [url=]Rareth'Jharn[/url] - EliteCommander [url=]Shuo Yunyu[/url] - cqbexpt [url=]Bitheroi Notiri[/url] - Balmung1100 [url=]Ashley Munroy[/url] - Hailfire [url=]Jayrin 'August' Augustin[/url] - Lightbox [url=]Dante Newell[/url] - reganza [url=]Srath'Thane[/url] - Fatal Error 1337 [url=]Natalia “Coin” Ricard[/url] - baskets [url=]Opus[/url] - Kyelin [url=]Ilari Evpraksiyi[/url] - Antagonist [url=]Shkitliktuit Tasthagk[/url] - Muttonhawk [url=]Telmeck'Rorta[/url] - Leon5431