Name: Rareth'Jharn Species: Rothian Height: 7' 10" Age: 612 Gender: Female Appearance: Rareth has dark red eyes with black scales across most of her body, with the exception of the bands of red scales that run across the back of her body from her neck to her feet, including her tail and the back of her arms Equipment: Armor with a similar aesthetic as [url=]this[/url], but for a Rothian Weapons: Energy Katana (contains a small fusion cell that, when activated, powers the already sharp blade with a green energy, producing intense heat and allowing the blade to cut through most materials.), dual energy daggers, [url=]Rothian pistol[/url] Abilities: Rareth possesses considerable training in several forms of martial arts, both armed and unarmed, and is particularly deadly with a blade. She is a practiced acrobat with reflexes reflecting her fast-paced combat style. Her skill with conventional weapons such as combat rifles is good, but not exceptional. Her magic skills are limited, but specialized. She uses talents such as invisibility, teleportation, and telekinesis to augment her own fighting abilities or otherwise undermine her foes. Background: Rareth was abandoned by her biological parents before she was even hatched. Security footage from the outskirts of the city of Threria on Rothia show her masked parents taking her as an egg and tossing her off of a steep cliff just outside the city, a common course of action for those wishing to avoid the punishment of bearing a child illegally. By all rights, she should have died. No one is sure how her egg even managed to survive the fall, let alone keeping her alive inside of it. Even more amazing was that the act was witnessed by two bystanders who not only managed to rescue the egg, but keep it safe until it hatched a few weeks later. The bystanders were Sira'Tharis and Aeral'Wryjorn, who would become Rareth's adopted mother and father. Even though they were complete strangers beforehand, finding the egg brought them together, and they were married within a few months. They filled out all of the proper paperwork to officially adopt the child, who they named Rareth'Jharn, which means "Miracle Being." By taking DNA samples from Rareth, the authorities were able to determine who her biological parents were, but before they were able to make any arrests, her biological parents fled Rothian space and have not since been found. Rareth's father, Aeral, was a concept designer for a local technology company, while her mother, Sira, was an officer of the Rothia Defense Force, which acts as both the police and military of Rothia. Throughout his entire childhood, Rareth was on good terms with both of her parents. In addition to the normal education all Rothians receive, both of her parents made sure to teach her every skill they could to give her an edge in life. Her father was always sure to keep him up-to-date on technological advancements, while her mother educated her in various forms of self-defense. In particular, she taught her forms of hand-to-hand and melee combat passed down to her from her family. For Sira, teaching her these skills was a matter of tradition, something her family would expect her to do. She came from a line of seasoned warriors going back thousands of years, so passing on her skills to her child was her duty. Rareth's childhood proceeded mostly normally for some time, but early on when she was twenty-three, it was discovered that she had the ability to use magic. Since neither of her parents had any experience with magic, they hired a private tutor to instruct her in its use. She was not an exceptional mage, but she learned at a reasonable pace. When she hit the age of fourty, she received the mandatory basic military training of all Rothian citizens, but due to the teachings of both her mother and magic tutor, she ended up becoming the top of her class. Just like all Rothians, Rareth attained maturity around age fifty and left her parents, and though she was more than qualified to become a soldier, or to work with technology, she had higher aspirations. She put in an application to join an organization known as the Rahn'Masser, or "enlightened army." The Rahn'Masser report directly to the Rahn'Saki themselves and are the single best defense the Rothians have to protect their society. Their ranks consist of the most skilled individuals of from across their species, from soldiers, to hacking experts, to diplomats, to assassins, and their goal is to preserve their society at all costs. For one who intends to take on a combat role within the Rahn'Masser, the interview process is grueling. Rareth had to prove her abilities were among the upper echelon of combat prowess. Much to the surprise of those evaluating her, she managed to pass each of their tests on an acceptable level, despite her young age, so she was accepted into the Rahn'Masser as an operative. Rareth worked as an operative for decades, performing missions such as espionage, sabotage, and, on occasion, assassination. Her skills and abilities gave her an average success rate higher than many operative that had been working for the agency for centuries, which allowed her to rise through the ranks very quickly. After only one hundred and fifty years as an operative, Rareth managed to gain a title that the vast majority never achieve: Datius, which means "guardian" in the Rothian language. It is a title set apart from the other ranks within the organization; those who attain the title are recognized as the best in Rothian special forces and are trusted to carry out missions that are too high risk for other operatives. Only Datius are allowed to carry out assassinations outside of Rothian space, as well as any other mission that could cause political incidents. They are an organization shrouded in secrecy, but at the same time are legends in popular culture.