I'll post in the morning! No worries lol. I don't watch much anime either, at least not through. I bet you guys are wondering what I [i]do[/i] do now lmao. But I'll link one that I marathoned through recently and really enjoyed. Kyoukai no Kanata [youtube]NqxJ191ecPQ[/youtube] It's just... my kind of thing I guess. Got lots of humour which is a must, kind of a dark fantasy without being morbid at all, still manages to be relateable and it's freaking [i]gorgeous[/i]. It's sparing on the details at first and really makes you wait until you know what on earth is going on, and kept my attention throughout. Was kind of stuck on clips which aren't either spoilery or context dependant so you get the opening lol. Plus Akkey is adorbs even if he's a glasses pervert.