(I made The Sovereignty so if you have any questions feel free to ask.)

Name: Shuo Yunyu

Height: 7'6" (2.28 meters)

Gender: Male

Race: Masulu

Age: 67

Rank: 5th Echelon, ArmSpecWar. (There are 12 echelons so basically a second lieutenant.)

Cybernetics: Oxygen efficiency amps which allow for more continuous strainous activity, Communication uplink, Radiation dampener, Advanced Armor Interface.

Armor: Mark II "[url=http://imgur.com/TTy8ERx.jpg]Wildcat[/url]" powered tactical armor, WildCat is designed to enhance the wearers strength and speed by a margin well over 20%.

Weapons: [url=http://imgur.com/5aIncdu.jpg]"Shifter"[/url] class assault rifle (Weapon can change between a marksmen rifle and a general assault rifle.), Serrated carbon nano tube knife, Standard plasma pistol. 

Apperance: Gray eyes (uncommon for Masulu), Dark blue skin color, Burns cover his upper chest and crawl up his neck.

Bio: Shuo grew up in a middle income home full of former ground pounders and naval piolets. Most of his early life was rather unremarkable as he in general stayed in the average line of life. He managed to stay out of trouble through his early 30's when he was finally finished with basic schooling and able to join the soveriegn armed forces. He chose to go with the army like his mother and her family had done before her. Basic training was only minimally challenging to him and when the drills noticed him not have a hard time they began to crack down on him. They began pushing him to the point that both him and they were tiring themselves out. When basic was finished both of his commanding officers recommended him for a combat position in which he would be 2nd Echelon. 

The recommendation was taken seriously and Shuo was deployed for 3 years to a outer colony world called "Salt Rock". It had been an insurrectionist hot spot for well over a decade and the sight of numerous attacks on the Sovereignty. The planet was important to the Sovereignty as the planet was used as a hub for the countless mining operations in the system actively collecting neutrium. His first week there a hijacked mining ship attempted to hurl itself into a orbital elevator. The ship was swiftly dealt with but some of the debris still hit several warehouses. 

Most of his memory of these years is filled with patrols and multiple ambushes. There was one major attack on the base he was stationed at however. The total causalities were 4000, 1000 of which were non combatants but happened to be in the area. Most of the dead were rebels but among the dead were Shuo's entire squad. He held the bottom floor of the barracks by himself for 18 hours cut off from help. It was estimated he killed 12 Tempu and 5 Masalu that streamed in after the inital bombing of the building. After this he was sent to pshyc evaluation and was cleared. He was then transferred to a new squad and moved to a different base on the planet.

After his 3rd year on the planet and engaging in two counter insurgancy operations Shuo began to have thoughts of asking for a transfer off world. However his entirely batallion was called to be attached to the 7th fleet of Profound Absolution. The reason being that a race called "Humans" had been discovered, and they were hostile. The first planet he was deployed to in the Human-Sovereign war was called "King's Reef". The engagement lasted 1 month in mostly urban environments and resulted in extremely minimal sovereign losses and heavy human loses as they pulled the fleet protecting the planet before they even arrived. Ground forces were left to fend for themselves.

After the end of the battle at King's Reef Shuo was asked to join Armed Special Warfare, a division of the army used for high priority targets. He saw a 6 month break in fighting as he was pulled back to be trained for ArmSpecWar. After he completed his training with them his record is mostly classified. He was brought to bear against the humans and eventually Rothians while receiving the occasional promotion. Post war he was given 8 month leave, however after a month he was redeployed in more counter insurgency operations. This is what he has been doing for the majority of the 20 years since the end of the war and he is currently on leave pending psyc evaluation results and his squad being given new orders.