Alright I gotchu Gisk. Yeah, I don't want Kyrin to be against the Consortium when I say he's rebellious. Morally, he completely agree with their intentions of keeping order in the realm. I wanted him to be more of a style-rebel, basically someone who doesn't agree with the general vibe of things. Like for example, a teacher who jokes around a lot and teaches by doing a lot of interesting activities. The teacher doesn't have a problem with the concept of education, but at the same time, the teacher refuses to "just do their job" and make the kids fall asleep. This teacher would be considered "unorthodox."

Having him smoke weed wasn't to give the system a finger, it was to make him stand out from the typical ascendant. It was a finger to the stereotype. The spray painting wasn't supposed to be a "FUCK THIS CITY" stunt, though I realize that it seemed exactly like that by the way he acted, and spoke. It was supposed to be Kyrin choosing to be artistic and different, because his character is based upon standing out and leaving a mark. It's a sort of ego signature, I'm sorry for making it seem like straight up anarchy. Kyrin still loves his people (meaning his fellow ascendants), though as sing's character put it, he is a bit moody and stubborn (a.k.a bitchy) with authority, but that will change as we all develope our characters and let em mature. (Also, this isn't to say that Kyrin doesn't disagree with some things, but he wasn't spray painting walls to rebel against those things). Though spray painting is still a crime, I'm gonna say he didn't get caught) 

As for the whole guns thing, I guess you're right. I forgot that this wasn't dragon ball z and I'm not gonna be 1v1'ing everything. My bad. I'm gonna give Kyrin a handgun (futuristic) and would it be too much/too old fashioned to give him like a belt of throwing knives across his torso, like just some back up?