[centre][b]20 Years ago, Central 46 Compound[/b] [img=http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20110223055811/bleach/en/images/c/c9/Central_46_during_Aizen%27s_trial.jpg] "We shall now pass judgement!" A commanding yet worn voice called down from the recesses above as a blond haired man sat in a chair under a bright light, his wrist bound in his lap. The judge who addressed him continued. "Former twelfth squad captain Garner, Alexander! For the research of forbidden material against direct orders, and the endangerment and injury of your comrades with your abominable experiments, you are sentenced to execution by Sokyoku on the morning of the quarter moon!" Silent murmurs were exchanged behind identity concealing banners. There was no response from the sullen Alexander, his gaze lowered, and his lips pursed. In his mind, he relived the events that led him to his situation. "Well Garner...if you have any final words to speak before us...say them now!" The hall was silent for several moments before the defendant managed his response. "....The research..." Confused whispers peppered the hall as elder ears struggled to hear Alexander's words. "Speak up!" Commanded a judge finally. "What did you do with the hollowfication research?!" A mix of regret and concern bled out in his voice. But the response was still irate. "What did he say?" "Such insolence!" "Impudent fool..." Called out several voices from the darkened recesses above. A judge finally broke the rabble with his own more moderated tone. "What makes you think you have any rite to-" "You don't understand! I know the protocol for these situations...you lock everything away in a vault somewhere because the soul society is a bunch of pack rats." Alexanders interruption took the prosecution aback, many taking offense to such impertinence. A judge quickly scolded him for his actions. "Watch your tongue! You're in no place to spea-" "Oh what're you gonna do...have me killed?" Interrupted the bound man, the tone of his voice gaining confidence in the realization of his fate. Caught off guard, no retort was given. Expectantly receiving no answer, Alexander continued. "The research, everything...it must be destroyed immediately. Not even you can comprehend what it could result in." An enraged voice suddenly chimed in from above. "We should have him removed for his insolence!" But a hand was raised amongst the judges and the voice was suppressed. "Tell me...Garner, in light of your inevitable judgement, why would you have this research destroyed?" Alexander raised his gaze to the darkness, though there were only faceless posts to return his stare. "I spent years simply observing the hollowfication process and it's various stages. I took samples. Ran tests. Produced many results. My work was quite progressive...up until it was all seized." His tone was sharp for a moment before he went on. "But I knew I was on to discovering something, if I had only a bit more time..." Impatience began to rise amongst the elders above as frustrated whispers exchanged ears. "This is pointless..." "He should be gone already." "My point is!..." Called out Alexander, subduing the dull roar. "...Before the...accident...What I found...it goes beyond hollowfication. Far beyond anything the soul society has ever faced. A state of-" "Enough of this!" Interjected a judge, having heard enough. There were other judgements to be given and these questions were of no importance as far as they were concerned. "The fate of any research or information pertaining to it is the decision of the council and of no regards to you. We will hear no more of your ramblings. It is a waist of precious time...which you cant afford." The cutting tone of the judges voice resounded throughout the hall as he prepared to have the offender taken away. But before he could give the order, the determined voice called out again. "I don't care of you tell me what happens to it. I'm telling you it must be destroyed immediately! Every last bit of it!!" But the decision was made. "Remove him!" Commanded a judge, signalling an assembly of four guards to enter the room. "Don't be fools! In the wrong hands, it could mean the end of the soul society! The end of everything! Destroy the research!" Raved Alexander as he was forced out of his seat and dragged toward the dark invite of a near by exit. But his pleas fell on deaf ears, met with only aggravated reply from the jury. "Be silent!" "Hear, hear!" "Bind his mouth!" ------- [b]Current day Shin'ō Academy[/b] [img=http://img1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20100826233025/bleach/en/images/6/6e/Shino_Kido_Training.jpg] Wooded practice swords clashed in mass as several pairs of young, would be soul reapers crossed blades on the Training Field of Shin'ō Academy. "Now attack your opponent!" Declared the rigid voice of a drill teacher who looked over the trainees with sharp and observant eyes. He paced back and forth, casting his glare over anyone performing sub par. Among them, was a pair mid battle. Two young students who difference in skill level was made clear quickly when one attacked in a clumsy mannor, leaving himself open to be knocked onto the ground. However what caught the teachers eye was when the student still standing went to strike at their fallen classmate. Before the wooden edge of the practice blade could hit it's mark, a heavy hand interrupted it's path, grabbing it firmly. "What do you think you're doing?" Asked the teacher, who's comparatively large form bared over the student. "I saw an opening sensei! My enemy was unable to defend himself so I..wha-" Before he could finish his sentence, he noticed the encroaching shadow of his teacher getting closer. Just as he looked up to see into his teachers eyes, their heads rammed. Falling to his knees in pain, the young man could only wonder why. However he needn't wait long for the response, and the scolding words of his instructor began to erupt over him. "This is not your enemy! This is your opponent...be very clear on this!" With a furrowed brow and rigid tone, he went on. "A hollow is a dangerous and unpredictable monster. They have no sense of honor...only hunger. They are your enemy and must be killed by any means." A brief glance was passed to the other student, still on the floor, slightly shocked. "An opponent is an adversary who's matching their skills with yours. To them, you show honor." Reaching down, the fallen student was helped to his feet. "Thank you sensei. I...wha-" The fast approaching visage of his teacher ended with him on his knees next to his classmate in the same pain. "Never overstep into your opponents stance!" A final glare was cast over the rest of the class, who had paused briefly to watch events unfold. But their curiosity was quickly halted as they noticed the instructors eyes looking in their direction. "I never said take a break! Resume training!" For fear of suffering a fate similar to their classmates, the students hastily followed orders. ------- [b]Karakura Town[/b] [img=http://img4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20090914165802/bleach/en/images/thumb/a/aa/Karakura_High_School.jpg/638px-Karakura_High_School.jpg] A brilliant blend of orange and red painted the sky as the sun slowly descended over the horizon. The calmness of the evening was pierced by the chiming call of a school bell. It was the final bell at Karakura High School, ending after school activities for the day. Most of everyone had gone home or was making preparations to do so. However, sitting alone in the library in front of a stack of books, was a young girl carefully reading over the text before her. Her eyes were heavy as was her head, propped up by her hand as she used the other to turn the page. "Uzami...you're still here?" From just across the room entering from the hallway was another young woman with her book bag in hand. "Hm?" Responded Uzami, who had been studying since class let out. She was slightly surprised, having been lost in the pages of her book. "Aiko..Hi!" She declared, shifting her gaze to the clock above the doorway. "I didn't see how late it's gotten...I guess I lost track of time." Aiko, who stepped in from the doorway and approached, looked down at the book that was open in front of Uzami. "Oh? Is that for history?" She asked motioning toward the book. "Huh? Oh yeah. It's for a test tomorrow in Mr.Fujimura's class. He's the only teacher I need an A for. But he's so uptight about everything! I keep getting B's in his class. so I'm going over the material again." Aiko raised a finger to her chin. "Whats so bad about a B?" She asked, being a little less set on getting the best grades. Uzami turned her eyes down to the book as she replied. "If I get straight A's, I'll finally get to start learning to drive!" The thought of getting her own car made her slightly giddy. But she was good at hiding her feelings. Looking back to her friend, she couldn't help but wonder why Aiko was here late as well. It wasn't like her to study too hard nor did she really participate in after school clubs. "But what about you?" She finally asked, folding the corner of the page she was on. "Who me?" Answered Aiko, looking away with a slight blush across her cheeks. "I may or may not have been cheering for Choukichi at the softball game." A giggle escaped Uzami as she raised her hand to cover her grin. "You mean softball practice?" Aiko's face grew even redder. "Hmph! Whatever! I was just showing my support." Her cheeks puffed up as she looked even further in the opposite direction. "You mean your love!?" Pushed Uzami, poking her flustered friend in the thigh. "It's not like that!" Shouted Aiko. "You got the hots for Choukichi!" Shouted back Uzami. "Hush already!" The both of them burst out in a fit of bubbly laughter before Aiko finally flipped Uzami's book closed and shot her a playful smile. "C'mon! It's getting dark out. Lets walk home together okay?" Uzami was quiet for a moment but quickly returned the smile and nodded her head. With that, they packed up and left the library. ----- The sun made its descent, disappearing behind the distant hills and casting a shadow over the town of Karakura. As darkness engulfed the streets, illumination from streetlamps and building windows began to flicker on. Deep in the shadows of a vacant alleyway, the air grew especially cold and dreary. The ominous tension in the air finally broke as a small section of the ground tore itself open in a bizarre flash of tainted light. The air became heavy with a mysterious corroded energy as the darkened silhouette of a hulking monstrosity heaved itself from the black void beneath the open ground. Deep yellow eyes pierced the darkness as a terrible roar escaped the empty alley. "Gwwwwaaaaaooooo!" ----- "Bye Aiko! I'll see you tomorrow!" Called out the young Uzami as she waved to her friend standing in the doorway her house. "Are you sure you don't want me to have Etsuo walk you home?" Replied Aiko with concern for her friend walking home at night. "Oh it's just a couple blocks away. I'll be fine." Reasured Uzami, waving again to Aiko's brother as he passed by. Aiko seemed worried but managed another smile and continued. "Okay...don't stay up all night studying okay!?" Uzami laughed and began walking down the sidewalk toward her home. "No promises!" She called back. "Kay bye text me!" Said Aiko,finally stepping inside and closing the door. As she walked home, Uzami giggled. Her friend sure had a lot of energy she thought. Passing the corner. something caught the young students attention. The rustling of a bush just ahead raised her curiosity. "Hello?" Asked Uzami, slowly approaching the shrubs. "Is there someone there?" Step by step, she grew closer to the sound, torn between her wonder and fear. Standing withing arms length of the foliage, Uzami couldn't manage any more words. The fear wouldn't let her speak and she started to wonder why she had even approached in he first place until something finally lunged out of the bushes. A shrill scream escaped the startled girl as a small black cat shot between her legs and darted beneath a car. "Aaah! Oh my goodness! It...it was just a cat." Catching her breath and letting her heart beat calm down, Uzami knelt down and looked between the wheels of the car for the kitten. "Here kitty kitty! I'm not gonna hurt you." Getting down lower and tilting her head, Uzami finally managed to see a pair of little yellow eyes and a little furry face looking back up at her. "There you are! Awe you're so cute. You sure scared me a lot you know that?" As she cautiously reached over to try and coax the cat loser, a frightened hiss bled out from under the car. "Huh...what the matter kitty?" The look on the cats face became threatened as it bare it's fangs and arched it's back. However the cats gaze was not on the girl, but on something behind her. The ground vibrated lightly as an unseen entity approached from behind Uzami. The sound startled her, breaking her attention away from the cat who darted out from under the car. But when she turned to confront whoever was behind her, she saw nothing. Looking around, she began to back up, feeling the weight of something bearing down on her. Suddenly, just a few feet away, a sign post crashed with the ground as its form was bent and twisted by some unknown force. Fear returned to Uzami as she backed away. "Wha...what was-" Before the feeble words could be completed, Uzami felt the massive force of something crash against her side as if struck by a car, then darkness as her body suddenly fell limp to the ground. "Whats going on...what happened?" Asked Uzami, opening her eyes slowly. She tried to stand but the pain in her side kept her from gaining balance. "Ow...why can't I move?" Looking down, she found herself unable to even crawl away. Hanging from her chest was some sort of chain. As she followed its path, she saw someone laying strew across the sidewalk. Before she could get a look at the persons face, the massive form of a creature overcame her, casting it's shadow down on her back. "So...hungry..." Hissed the monster as Uzami turned to see what it was. As she beheld the monster, terror filled her and she became frantic. Looking down at her was a massive green and black beast with a pale skull like head and burning yellow eyes. Another shriek fled her lips as it's encroaching form reached out for her. "Aaaaaaahhh!" But her scream was answered by the tight grip of a massive had wrapping around her body. "It hurts. The pain...so hungry!" Roared the monster as it drew her closer to it's drooling maw. Barely able to breath, Uzami desperately called out for help."S-someone...p-please." Her voice was quiet under the crushing pressure of the beasts embrace. "Somebody heeelp!!" ------- [b]Ikijigoku Pub[/b] [img=https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-PCJRm2ahimk/UvHm8v01s-I/AAAAAAAABbc/ZsT3mchX4Og/w426-h320/14%2B-%2B1] "Help yourselves gents! Drinks are on me!" Patrons withing the dull confines of a dimly let bar joked and jostled as mugs of cold dark brown liquor were passed about. A few waitresses gracefully made their rounds from table to table, absently shooing wandering hands and pinching fingers. Several men and women stood around a set of pool tables at the back of the bar while others posted themselves in front of the bartender, knocking back well drinks like sugar water. "Hey I saw you hide that ace!" "Hey babe...let me buy you a drink" "He said...he said eighteen! eighteen of em-" "Hey lemme have some saké!!" "Pour me some..." Several voices competed for clarity as laughter and shouting filled the building. Sitting in a booth quietly conversing under cover of the rabble were two young men in suits. A likely pair of news reporters discussing their stories. However a strange looked crossed the face of the tallest one, who had just raised his glass to drink. "I'm saying there are ghosts in this crazy city man! Weird shit is always happening." Taking a sip and setting down his glass, the taller man finally gave in to the ranting. "And just what makes you say that?" He asked sceptically. "Think about it man..." Began the shorter man. "Random deaths with people just passing out in the middle of the street...or all those missing persons...and what about all that destroyed property? I'm telling you Karakura town is haunted! Or worse!"[/centre]