[b]Karakura Town[/b] Martha sucked on her teeth, relaxing her colossal bowstring and dissipating the spear of Reishi which she hadn't been able to fire. So much for taking down that Hollow. The moment the final bell of school went, she'd gone to look for something to shoot. Even now, three years since she took residence in Karakura town, she hated going to school. Sitting in one place learning about things she could get from a book in her own time wasn't exactly conductive to her, so she thought at least. But that wasn't the point of going to school. It was normal - made a good part of a normal persona. Her search did not take long, much to Martha's relief. One of the monsters had emerged from whatever hellhole they come from, immediately going about doing what Hollows did; look for food. Martha wasn't the kind of person or Quincy to rush in, Spirit Weapon blazing, so she watched and observed just out of sight. She took in small things like how it moved, the shape of its mask, the distance between its feet and the amount of force applied on the ground with each step - those were the things which were surprisingly helpful if a hunt turned bad. Once content with her observations she set herself up, forming her giant Spirit Bow and waiting for the creature to pass from her ad hoc 'sniping roost'. The good thing about being in a town like this was the amount of elevated places she could work from - no one ever looked up, after all. With her mind set and her weapon ready, she waited for the creature to find something to eat. As it turns out it was in the mood for school girl. Watching one of her fellow Karakura High students get hit by a car did not exactly make her comfortable, but if her time in Waldes Heer had taught her anything it was that people die, herself included. That's why they had lived hard and fast, hunting some of the most dangerous creatures on Earth for the thrill and honor. Then that guy showed up and had to spill her cheerios everywhere. He wasn't a Shinigami, that's for sure. Shinigami don't a) go shopping b) dress like people, and c) leave spirits behind without a Konso. So not only had her quarry been stolen, it had been stolen by a guy who was not even a complete Shinigami. Now she was just left with the spirit of a girl who she had essentially enabled the death of. Frustrating. It wasn't guilt which compelled her to use Hirenkyaku and approach the spirit of Uzami, but rather a sense of responsibility. A blur of speed later, she found herself next to the bench where the girl had been left. It was probably entirely overwhelming for the poor girl, being killed, nearly eaten, then saved and then having someone in the same school uniform as you appear from seemingly nowhere. It wouldn't be unlikely that the girl was at least aware of who Martha was - it wasn't every day transfer students from Europe showed up, let alone ones with gnarly scars on one side of their face. "Hello." He greeting was simple and formal in tone, formal being the only type of tone she was taught to speak Japanese in. "You appear to be dead." Her sharp eyes drifted to the chain dangling from the girls chest. "Moving is ill advised, wait here for someone to come and find you. You will know who."