[b]Seireitei[/b] Seireitei was boring. This was the unavoidable conclusion of the Head-Captain, who had set her lieutenant to doing all the necessary paperwork and then gone for a walk, specifically looking for trouble and something to fight. Hollows, rowdy captains, the 11th Division--everything and anything that might possibly pick a fight with Kotohime was conspicuously absent as she searched for something to deal with her boredom. She [i]hated[/i] her position as it stood right now. She was a fighter, and had her position because she was good at it. As a result? Paperwork, and sitting around in an office all day, sending other people out to do something that she'd much rather do herself. So typically, when she did get away from it all for a while... Seireitei was a ghost town. Well, it was always a ghost town, but in this case it was almost dead silent. Bored of wandering aimlessly, Kotohime instead decided to check in on the Academy. From the rooftop, it seemed that combat training was taking place... perfect. The students were the first to notice her arrival, haori acting somewhat like a parachute when the captain made her way from rooftop to floor. The instructor, of course, couldn't fail to notice the sudden paralysing pressure when she decided to 'announce' herself. "I have a challenge for you all," the one-eyed captain said, arms folded, "All of you, attack me. You can use whatever you want or know, I'll use my bare hands. Get a single hit in, you graduate, and if you don't have the minimum skills needed, I'll train you up." It was an attractive offer--she might have been the head-captain, but she [i]was[/i] vastly outnumbered and had stated she wasn't going to even use a practice blade or the like. On top of that, she was shorter than essentially every other shinigami out to practice. It should be easy, right? The toothy grin as the pressure weakened so the students could even move to fight foretold how badly this would go.