[quote=The 42nd Gecko] Crossblooded +2 damage per Die1d4 damage per Cl.Human, Spell Focus - Spell Specialization (which is not a dumb pick because you can move the Specialization to a new spell on even levels... Aka, the levels Sorcerers get new spell levels)That's Caster Level 3 for an average of 3 x 4.5 (the average 1d4+2) That's 13.5 damage, which is enough to kill any non boss in a level one module on a failed save, and still enough to kill most low HP grunts that are likely to be in swarms at level one (kobolds, goblins, so forth, generally have 5 HP or less) on a succeeded save.And, just for fun, if it's a one off or you expect you need a boost, drop a trait for another CL (aka, another 4.5 damage) on it. You now make the Wizard look like an inept moron when he casts he save or sucks to disable half the enemies, and you cast your save and still die to disable all the enemies.If you're worried about your long term viability, don't, because you're a caster. By the time this little gimmick loses its charm at the mid levels, you're a caster with multiple spell levels. You can cast haste on your party at the beginning of 90% of your fights and that will literally be all your team needs. Then have fun rolling a flaming sphere around or something. [/quote] I see where I missed at, I did not think spell specialization, so you max out at an average 22.5 putting all feats and traits towards burning hand I believe. Even with spell specialization I am not a fan of it too much since ya that is surprising at level 1 but once you start getting a few levels Spell Specialization losses some scaling and wizards are still wizards, reflex saves are too common, and barbarians put out similar numbers at the same level and scale damage higher faster.