[b]Karakura Town[/b] While hollows seemed to appear out of nowhere, only to be slain by the shimigami that hunted them, two hollows, or arrancar as they were called, went relatively unnoticed. Of course unlike the hollows who just want to devour human souls, these arrancars were in karakura town to catch the sights and enjoy themselves, as they had some sense of intelligence about them. That and they found human souls not very tasty, more so due to the immense effort that goes into getting one, and the miniscule reward from it, unlike hunting hollows. Though this time they were more enjoying the human world than hunting. "Hey MC, have you tried the burgers from this shop? they're pretty good!" The female arrancar said, handing the man a small diamond for payment, the man puzzled but happy at the generous payment. "I bet Light. But I'm more of a drinks sorta guy. Like this juice over here. I dunno what its called, but it tastes pretty peppy." the 'male' arrancar replied, the nearby drink machine overloaded due to being zapped by electricity, which caused it to constantly spit out drinks, the nearby people scooping the drinks up as they came out. How could two Arrancars, spiritual beings, interact just fine with the human world? It was all thanks to the masks they wore, which only the two of them saw. These masks, conjured by the male looking arrancar MC, caused the two arrancars to look human, which also translated onto the human plane. Plus hollows could already interact with the human world, though only as invisible things to the average human, so it only made sense. The two of them took in the sights, MC conjuring diamonds for Light to use as payment for whatever she wanted to buy, occasionally buying things himself. The two only seemed to be interested in different food products though, unlike the other shoppers nearby who were buying cloths and technology from the other shops on the plaza. Each shopkeeper gave the pair the same odd look as they were casually passed a diamond instead of actual money, wondering exactly who these two strange people were, but still accepting the payment anyway. Things went on like this for about an hour, Light mostly eating food while MC bought different drinks, until the two found themselves in the park, looking for more sights to see. At this moment they saw the soul of some recently deceased girl, another live girl apparently talking to it, and a shimigami looming over the pair. The two didn't really give them more then a second glance though, and moved onwards. they didn't get too far from the trio when another hollow showed up, this hollow interested in the girl's soul, though also vaguely interested in the two 'humans' that were right in front of it. (Due to another one of MC's abilities, the two had the spiritual pressure of normal humans at the moment, instead of other hollows.) "Great... a dog. And not a fun one either." Light said as the hollow approached the two, apparently oblivious to the shimigami not 2 blocks away. the wolf like hollow howled, while MC conjured a small wrestling bell as Light cracked her knuckles. and as the hollow lunged, MC rang the bell, at which point Light landed a nasty uppercut into the jaw of the attacking hollow, knocking it skyward. Now bored with the distraction, not to mention the shimigami nearby, the two walked away, Light pointing out another place for them to check out, commenting that she had filled up on hot dogs anyway. The hollow she had punched landed close to the trio near the park bench, disoriented from the flight.