[b]Nekketsu Keiko, Shin'ō Academy, Seireitei[/b] The Head Captain wasn't the only ranked member of the Gotei 13 hanging around the Academy out of boredom, it turned out. Even before she had arrived, a blur in a red beret was buzzing about excitedly, poking her head in to see what the new trainees were up to. It wasn't as though Keiko was shirking her duties or anything, as she'd already finished all her paperwork for the day, but there were probably better things for her to be doing right now. But no, instead here she was, swiftly moving from trainee to trainee, acting as though they were the most amazing thing in the world. To be fair, though, she seemed to act like that towards just about everything she came across. When the Head Captain made her challenge, however, her attention was drawn away from the aspiring Reapers to her superior officer. Practically leaping across the whole courtyard, she landed beside her, giving a rather intricate salute as she unintentionally towered over the shorter girl. "Oh gosh oh golly it's the... [i]The Head Captain Commander Person Thingy![/i] Hey, remember me?" The blue-haired Reaper bounced about all around Kotohime, absolutely giddy about being in the presence of the highest ranked member of the Gotei 13, only occassionaly stopping to bask in her glory. "Do you remember me? Lieutenant Nekketsu Keiko of Squad Five? Do you? Do you do you do you you remember me right? I mean we only really met once before but I'm sure I made an impression on you at least I hope I did did I? Um, a-ahem, um..." Turning to face the trainees, she gave a goofy smile as she kept pointing at Kotohime, as though to emphasise her existence as much as possible. "Don't let her looks fool you! She may be a tiny adorable girl but her skill and power is HUGE! Like... Like a Gillian but only if we're comparing it to her size since really Gillians aren't that strong once you get the hang of them but still don't take her lightly! I'll be reeeaaally impressed if any of you can last even ten... No, even [i]five[/i] seconds against her!" ...And then finally, Keiko stopped to catch her breath. How she'd managed to say all of that in a single breath is something that would confound anyone who met her, really.