Karakura Town "Here Kitty Kitty Kitty, Here Kitty Kitty Kitty..." Aaron said out loud as he looked for his little cat who had ran off earlier. He had been searching for his little obnoxious cat, who had been making him chase the darn thing all over tower today, instead of doing something more important like earning money for the two of them to live. Of course he didn't need food to live, it was mostly for the rent they needed to pay for their apartment they stayed and the food to feed Amy. Yes, he did went to school but lucky his cat liked to taunt him during his adventure today and walked along the campus as he was in School being terrorized in the horrendous art of Math, mostly Algebra. But he was in luck, as the bell rang before he abruptly got out of his seat and left to go chase down his cat who had cause all his problems today. Although he had a head start on that darn cat, he lost it mid-way across the campus as Amy entered an alleyway. His best option after the lost his cat companion was to traveled across the roof to look down to find that cat. It wasn't hard to find Amy, as a loud bang was heard easily from his distance, something like a car which had hit something. It was most likely a Hollow who did that to a human, and where a Human and Hollow was, there was no doubt Amy would be there. He leaped across the roofs, with his Reiastu being suppressed and hidden, he quietly 'shunpo' over to the scene where he silent called for Amy. The cat had surprising survived the fatal Hollow attack, as she climbed up the building somehow and crawled over his shoulder, in shock from the hollow attacking the poor defenseless cat. From below, he could see a human or what seemed to be one as he could sense that person reiastu briefly before his attention turned to the Quincy and Ghost below. But then from nowhere a shinigami too, appeared from nowhere. He sighed as today was growing stranger for him as people were beginning to just pop out of everywhere today. Now, we just need some Hollows or Arrancar to pop out and that would make his day..... And then came the Dog... Another thing that just randomly popped out of nowhere that seemed to be neutral for the moment.