I had vanished suddenly aswell and im bringing a new more fitting character. Name: Kahl (last name unknown) Race: Khajhiit Gender: Male Age: 16 Birthsign: The tower Appearance: [img=http://s20.postimg.org/64xark5rx/2013_02_24_00003.jpg] Equipment: Rugged leather chest piece, with a stained, hooded cloak over it. Beat up pair of sandles Torn up pair of cloth pants. A Iron dagger. Skills: Smuggling, Pickpocketing, Daggers (throwing aswell), knot tying map reading and other various ship skills, and unarmed combat. Personality: Kahl keeps his distance from those bigger than him. He can be skiddish at times, and genrally preys on those weaker then him. Background: Born from a slave, he had no relationship with any family, at the age of 6 he was sold to a skooma drug lord and put on a smuggling ship. Here he learned various trades to keeping the ship intact. Eventually he was old enough to help with the smuggling, keeping count of skooma, and loading it onto the ship. The captain would constantly beat him for very minor problems. This made him grow a strong hatred for the captain, which lead to his fleeing. Having just arrived at Karnathi's roost, Kahl plans his escape.