[img=http://i1111.photobucket.com/albums/h461/kathichan1/Mobile%20Uploads/image-20.jpg] [u][b]The Academy of the Arts - Outer Theatrical hall[/b][/u] [i]"Still can't let you through though. My friends are relying on me."[/i] Persistent woman. Mattis blinked as the Berserker picked herself off the floor, attention focused more on the voices coming through his communicator. He agreed with Jay- It was time to cut their losses and retreat. These guilders were a stubborn bunch for sure. "It's over." He sighed, running a large hand through his unkempt hair. A loud thump behind him made him turn, only to see Lute falling face flat on the floor. Poor guy must've taken quite a fall from the explosion of wind before. He crouched down, lifting the man by the collar with no more effort as one would a puppy and setting him on his feet. It was too bad they didn't succeed, but nobody had been hurt too badly and that was good enough for him. Except for... He turned his head to the redheaded girl before giving a pointed look to the tall electric man. They had a healer, he was sure, and the mage should look to getting the girl some aid quickly. He melded into the shadows, much to the anger of the large woman at the door and he couldn't help the twitch of his lips. They'd meet again, he was sure, and the woman would have to wait until then to pummel his lights in. He made his way out the window, setting course to reunite with his friends. Still, he couldn't help but wonder... Was a guilder's job capable of feeding twelve hungry mouths? --- [img]http://i1111.photobucket.com/albums/h461/kathichan1/ariacastshot.png[/img] [b][u]Aliquam: Academy of the Arts: Northern Sector: Theatre Hall[/u][/b] The wind ceased without warning, the various pieces of furniture that had been flying around the room raining down onto the mostly decimated seating area below. Luckily Aria managed to avoid the incoming shrapnel and clambered up from the ground, staring in disbelief as Dylan summoned a giant stone fist that crashed through a few walls. Had the artist always been this strong? Her lips quirked up in amusement before running a hand through her hair that had been blown into a mess from the wind. The thieves left peacefully, having decided that enough was enough. Which was more than could be said for a certain blue-haired aristocrat. She was highly amused to see that he was sporting a slight limp as he ran to where the thieves had left from as a result from a nicely aimed kick from the brat. Instead she turned to jog up to the outer hall where Lulu and his little group had been fighting. It looked as if the damaged from the wind had reached them too, the ornate doors having been blown clean off their hinges. "Is everyone alright up there?" She called up, slightly out of breathe as she trudged up the last few steps.