[img]http://i.imgur.com/WDVJyuu.png[/img] [b][u]Aliquam: Academy of the Arts: Northern Sector: Theatre Hall[/u][/b] “What… the damn… hell…” Tobias staggered backwards, gripping onto his prized jewels after they were hit for the second time. Tears began to form in his eyes as Fabian shot off, hopping over strewn about chairs and dashing across the rows of seats in the comically placed empty spots from where chairs had been ripped up, dashing as quickly as he could to the wary Francesca and Jay. The pair, along with Mattis and Fabian, had clearly seen where enough had been enough. With the Pride’s staggering display of power and resistance, it was obvious to all that they couldn’t continue with their plans as intended… in fact it had been a botched mission entirely. If they were swift and lucky enough, they might be able to take advantage of the Pride’s own exhaustion, and be able to escape instead of face capture. They turned for the hole in the wall that Dylan’s summoning attack had created – it was their closest exit from the Academy, and fortuitously enough there were no Guilders in-between. As soon as Fabian reached Francesca she caressed his cheek, searching for injuries, before nodding to Jay and alighting for the gap left open in the wall. And in the corridor just outside the Theatre Hall, with Moira and Lute standing defiantly against Mattis in front of the exposed doors to the hall (defiantly standing being brief for Lute before he tripped and skidded his face along the marble flooring), the gentle giant stood silent and regarded the Guilders about him. In truth, he was glad this was all over. It was a shame they couldn’t succeed in spiriting away their target… but so long as the fight was done, he was content. Too many people had gotten hurt in too bad a way. He cast a final glance towards Estelle, who still laid ragged and injured against the wall, and then turned, blending once again with the darkness and disappearing, to a very loud and frustrated screaming from Moira. “NO!” Tobias yelled as the thieves vanished. “No, no, no! What are you all doing?!” The patron yelled, dashing down the aisle towards the hole in the wall, and slowing to a stop besides Lucien and Dylan. “You’re just… you’re just letting them get away? We can’t do that! It’s unacceptable, it’s…!” [img]http://i.imgur.com/8I5EqBQ.png[/img] “Enough, Tobias,” Dalia sighed, emerging from her hiding spot and walking towards Dylan, kneeling over and placing her hand on her brother’s shoulder. “It’s over. Nobody here can fight anymore. We’re all too exhausted and injured. You just need to learn when enough is enough…” Tobias’ cheeks seemed to glow a shade of blue. He held his breath, puffing out his cheeks for an indignant swear, before exhaled heavily and slumped himself down in one of the chairs, resting his head upon his hand supported by one of the arm rests. “Those damn peasants,” Tobias hissed. “This isn’t the end. I’ll find and catch and punish every last one of them…” [img]http://i.imgur.com/8mPMSWF.png[/img] “How is he?” Marcus asked Dalia and Lucien. Dalia smiled. “His aura’s steady and comfortable. He’s just asleep. He’s exhausted.” “Ha, ha, ha,” Marcus laughed. “I’m not surprised. He did amazingly well. Everyone did.” Marcus sighed, dropping his shoulders and creaking his neck from side to side. “But that was… tiring. How is everyone? Is everyone okay?”