[img=http://i.imgur.com/t9SKBzc.png] [img=http://i.imgur.com/dO6vRyy.png] [img=http://i.imgur.com/cfQzJva.png] [b][u]Aliquam: Academy of the Arts - Theater Hall[/u][/b] Trixie watched with puffed cheeks as Fabian took off, though she let out a loud, exasperated sigh before getting too carried away with her antagonism. The deed was done. The thieves were stopped before they could tear down the entire school, though the damages done were already hefty enough. Excluding the fact that they were getting away unapprehended, perhaps in this sense they had already won their share of the battle as well. Trixie shook her head wildly, tugging at her braided pigtails, as she plopped back onto the floor. No use dwelling on it. [i]“But that was… tiring. How is everyone? Is everyone okay?”[/i] Amy had already started moving to the busted door hinges by then. "Perhaps." She opened the door to meet Lute on the floor, with Moira and Syed behind him and Estelle still lying beside the wall. The statue of a thief was no longer in sight. Angel too noticed this. With all the thieves taking off, it seemed like most of the guilders, if not all of them, were within each other's sights now. However, despite his pain and their victory against the Masked Phantom, and despite the damages done, the aristocrat's worry was on something entirely different now. Angel staggered out from where he and Xandra had hidden, limping as he swiped up his die from the middle aisle and continued towards the door where Amy stood, which was not too far. "Where's my sister?" Amy twitched her mouth. "She's... fine." "But where is she? Don't tell me, that she's alone out there." Amy turned back from him and continued making her way out. There was no need to draw tension within the group now. "She has her communicator. You can speak with her if you like. I'm going back to see if I can assist her further, although..." She looked to the four guilders outside and their pained expressions before looking back to Angel behind her. "We should probably get some medics, if Aliquam has any - at least for Rose's sake. We've suffered enough casualties in this brawl, and I'm just one cleric." It pained her that she couldn't assist everyone all at once, but if Rose was going to be moved somewhere safe anytime soon, Amy wanted to focus on ensuring that she would be able to be lifted without spikes of pain running through her ankle. She was grateful Rose was just a short walk away from the others, and she could only hope that any other injuries sustained were light enough to be able to sleep through overnight. In the meantime Angel took Amy's word and stumbled towards the (non-broken) chair nearest to him. As long as his sister was okay... "Hey Dollie," he called, being within earshot of Dalia now. "You don't think the town's medics will kill us for asking for help at stupid o'clock, do you? Hahaha..." He slouched back even further into the chair, weakly chucking his die into the air and catching it. Well... at least he scored a date with a cute chick in the midst of all of this. Even if his stomach was probably ten shades of blue by now.