[center][b]Shin'ō Academy[/b] Continuing his rounds, the academy teacher moved toward another set of students who appeared to need guidance. However something stopped him in his tracks. The other students, not powerful enough to sense what came, looked at the teachers surprised expression, exchanging puzzled whispers and confused stares. Turning his gaze to the sky, the instructor spotted an approaching figure leaping in from the distance. "This spiritual pressure...is that?" Asked the teacher toward nobody in particular as his suspicions came true. Landing with a light thunk on a near by rooftop was head captain Minamoto. Making her entrance, the instructor immediately bowed. The class of students finally took notice once the head captain landed amongst them, reacting with varied phases of awe and bewilderment. "What the hell are you all doing?! Show some respect in the presence of your Head Captain!" Commanded the instructor from his bow. In unison, the students saluted their highest ranking officer with a prompt bow. ---- Roaming through a corridor with a brightly colored umbrella over his shoulder, Akihiro Igarashi couldn't help but notice the familiar pressure of the head captains presence pass over head. "What are you doin away from the nest mother bird?" He asked to the empty hallway, slowly shifting over to a near by window. Looking out across the way to the academy training ground, Akihiro could barely make out the figure of Kotohime as she jumped down, giving the students quite a shock. To get a better view of what business the head captain had down here with the trainees, Akihiro squeezed through the window onto the shingles of the roof below. Using a door seemed overrated to him at the moment and he didn't have the focus to remember going to the academy once looking away from it. For that matter he couldn't remember what he was doing before climbing through this window but it was of little importance to him now. His curiosity for such an interesting situation was too great to ignore. A quick flash step landed the 5th squad captain next to the 11th squad lieutenant, who found a seat on a poor unwary student. His tall clogs clacked against the ground and his white coat flowed lightly in the breeze. "Hey you..." He said in a low tone, looking down his nose at the young Yukihime, arms crossed. He stared at her for several quiet moments with a furrowed brow. Finally he stepped toward her, taking a seat next to her on the poor students back. "Why didn't you bring any snacks?" He asked as the student, who could hold up a child rather easily, struggled to support a full grown man. Still, he didn't place his whole weight on her. He wasn't heartless after all. Just lazy. "I sure hope I didn't miss much..." Declared Akihiko, just as the head captain issued her challenge to the inexperienced trainees. "Ooh, apparently not." "Did you see that?" "She came out of nowhere!" "Who is that?" "It's the head captain stupid!" "Quick, bow before she see's us." The students quickly submitted to the presence of their commanding officer, clearing a circle around her and bowing. But it was when she listed the terms and reward of her challenge, that they really began to whisper amongst eachother. Some wondered if she was serious. Others didn't dare approach her for fear of being embarrassed. But a few considered the offer. The class was an introductory one and these students were fresh out of the Rukongai. The chance to go from their first class straight to soldier rank was like a dream. From the bunch of intimidated students stepped forth a small group of five. Three young men and two young women, each holding up their swords in basic combat stances. "A-Alright mam! Er...Head Captain! W-we'll take you on!" Declared one of the men. "I...I think we can do it..." Quietly responded one of the girls. The crowd of students backed even further away, leaving plenty of space to not be mistaken as getting involved. Even the instructor took his paces, knowing any lack of skill in his students performance reflected on his own skill. Exchanging a few unsure looks between each other, the students slowly moved into positions, surrounding Kotohime. "O-okay...we're r-ready!" Almost in unison, the students lunged at the head captain with their wooden swords, striking at different parts of her body in hopes of getting even the slightest hit. At this, captain Akihiko chuckled and called out to his own lieutenant, who had been erratically fawning over their commander the entire time. "Hey Nekketsu! I would get some distance if I were you! Even when she's playing around, the head cap is no joke." Casting his gaze over to Yukihime, Akihiko gave a rather devious smile. "Hey kido...you got enough lunch money to make this interesting?" Asked the strange captain, offering a bet. "How about a thousand kan on two minutes?" [b]Karakura Town[/b] Disintegrating shadows dissipated into the air like ashes as the hollow was quickly dispatched by the young man who happened by. Uzami, who had collapsed out of the hollows hands onto the ground, lay confused and scared as her savior wished her his condolences and continued about his own business. A shivering gaze moved to the ground where the hollow once stood, now a fading pile of ashes. "I...W-what...w-wait." The chain that connected her to the body rattled across the ground as she moved. Still very frightened and unsure of what to do, she decided to approach the body. Still numb on the side of her body from the hollows attack, she could hardly even limp over. But she managed. The sight she beheld however, wrought her with even more terror and confusion. What she saw was her own face, looking blankly into the sky. "Oh my god..." She gasped, stumbling back and losing her balance. Becoming erratic, it wasn't surprising that the approach and greetings of another young student startled her. At first, she shirked away, overwhelmed by the events of her night. But after a few moments, Uzami recognized the face that addressed her. "M...Miss Richter?" She asked, wiping away a tear line from her cheek. As the young Quincy vaguely explained her situation, Uzami's eyes widened. "I'm....dead? I'm...I'm sorry b-but...what do you mean...I'm d-dead?" Before she could get an answer, another person appeared on the scene, the sound of her coat in the wind alerting the confused Uzami to her arrival. The night was hectic as it is and Uzami was starting to feel like it was all a dream. "I...I must be sleeping. Yeah thats it." She said in a shakey tone, trying to stand to her feet. "Unh...yeah. This is..it must be a dream." She forced a chuckle, holding her side and telling herself the pain was imaginary. "I guess I fell asleep studying. I-I should have listened to Aiko..." ----- "How fascinating...." Uttered the quiet words of an observer who watched the events from up high, concealed and invisible in the sky. His voice was deep and calm though it could be heard by no one but he from so high. Still, seeing such a strange event unfold in front of him all from a little hollow attack forced him to react with surprise. In a matter of minutes, A simple hollow attack on a human became a short fight between the hollow and a Visored. Very short. Then it attracted the Quincy who had been posted near by for quite some time. Quite unexpected indeed. Followed shortly the arrival of a strange entity not yet known to the observer. Some form of artificial human as it appeared, who watched from a rooftop. Before he could make his conclusions, yet another Visored appeared. In spite of their concealed spiritual pressure, the accumulation of powerful souls was more then enough to attract another hollow. It was at this point that the observer made his move, dropping from the sky and landing next to Aaron without a word. With the invisibility fading, the figure was seen to be wearing a long worn coat made of a brown leather and tattered at the ends. A fur tipped hood was drawn over the mans face, hiding his visage. As fast as he landed, the mysterious figure leaped away, bounding over a tree and down onto the back of the bus bench at the center of the small, slowly growing, group. Making no sounds and having no discernible spiritual pressure of any kind, the figure was able to step over to the body of young Uzami unnoticed. He crouched down and observed the soul chain that still connected Uzami to her body. Finally, just as the second hollow came in contact with the two 'humans' in the distance, the mysterious cloaked man stood and spoke, revealing his presence to the Quincy and the Visored. "She's not dead..." He spoke, his tone calm and unwavering. "...Just close to it." He finished, stepping passed the body and over to Uzami, who was having a mental break down. "Little girl...come to me." At the sound of his voice, the ravings of the histerical girl came to a halt. Looking over, her eyes met with those of the man, who's face was only clear to her. Somehow, his voice lulled her into a subdued state, and slowly led her to step toward him. "That's it. It's okay. I'll wake you up from this dream, little girl." Uzami approached the unknown man, unsure of what drew her to him. But somehow, his words were more clear then anything else that happened that night. From beneath the frayed cloak raised a hand, lightly caressing Uzami's cheek with a gentle touch of his fingers. The warm hue of a dim light emanated from the mans palm and flowed into the young girl through where their skin met and in a slowly growing flash of light, the spirit of Uzami disappeared back into her body. There was a short silence, as the whole event took place rather quickly and unexpectedly. Still, Uzami's body shifted lightly as she remained unconscious, but alive. "She'll wake up soon enough. That is..." Paused the man as another, dog like hollow, came sailing through the air and landing on the ground next to the bench in a pile of disintegrating ashes. "...unless something else gets to her first." Then, as fast as he appeared, the mysterious man took his leave, leaping up onto a power line and casually stepping away. [b]Ikijigoku Pub[/b] Stepping through the creaky old wooden door of the packed pub was a tall blond man wearing a fedora and overcoat. A shifty gaze left his eyes as he looked over it's dimly lit confines and rowdy patrons. Having found whatever he was looking for, or a lack of, the man subtly made his way through the crowd and over to a booth at the back of the bar. After getting situated, it didn't take long for someone to join him. A young lady in jean shorts and a plaid over shirt with dark red hair falling over her shoulders set down two brown colored drinks. Having a seat across from the somewhat suspicious man, the lady gave a toothy grin and pushed one of the drinks toward him. "So you've finally arrived...Alexander." Said the woman, stirring her drink with a small straw. "You're late pal. You know that?" A smile made it's way across Alexander's face. He couldn't help it in the face of an old friend. It had been several months since the last time they had spoke and to be honest, Alexander missed her company. "I had...business to attend to." He said, looking out a window across the room. "Don't you always?" She asked, taking a sip. "Oh Asuna...I'm here aren't I?" It was fun to toy around with Alexander for a moment. It was reminiscent of the old days, back when he used to be a part of the soul society. But in spite of it's causal appearance, this visit was not one of pleasure. Reaching into the purse at her side, Asuna removed a manilla envelope and slid it across the table. "Here...I brought you the files you needed." Alexander smiled, accepting the gift and hiding away in his briefcase. "Thanks Asuna...you don't know how important this is." Asuna passed a short scowl before setting her drink down a bit hard, spilling a little of it's contents onto the table. "What I do know is how much shit I'll be in if they find out I'm helping you at all." Alexander's expression sank a bit, though this was not Asuna's intention. "I'm...I'm sorry As-" "Oh just be quiet and pay for these drinks you idiot!" Interrupted Asuna, lightening up the mood and playfully punching Alexander in the arm. There was a few shared chuckles and then a couple moments of silnce before Alexander finally spoke again, keeping his voice low for only them to hear. "So...how are things in the seireitei?" He asked, breaking the slight awkwardness. [b]Hueco Mundo[/b] [img=http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20090314151123/bleach/es/images/0/0e/Hueco_Mundo.jpg] Howling winds and moaning shadows sang in the voidish emptiness of the alabaster desert, made a pale white by the crescent moons continuous stare. The landscape was baron, save for the occasional rock formation or quartz tree. However, sitting in the middle of nowhere beneath the shadow of a large boulder, was a black haired figure with skin just as pale as the sands around him. Red bangs flowed in the ominous breeze, waving as if submerged in water. Deep red eyes looked out into the endless nothingness as the ageless mind of the being pondered his own existence. He thought back to his days as a hollow, when he would roam the forest of menos, searching for his next meal. His next means of avoiding regression. But now, that little bit of purpose was gone. There was no effort in hunting hollows anymore and barely a hunger for them anyway. So instead, this pale skinned arrancar pondered the meaning of life and death, and then pondered his own purpose in it all. Shifting his gaze to the bright moon above, the man pondered his thoughts out loud. "Why am I here?"[/center]