[b]Shin'ō Academy[/b] There was one instruction for the fifth division's lieutenant: "Referee if someone hits." "Ooh, feisty," was all that Kotohime could get out before she had to focus on fighting--well, not so much 'had to' as 'wanted to'. If she didn't focus, there was still effectively no chance of her being injured... but the risk to the students was far higher. For instance, all these swords: whilst she could have dropped to the ground and just lashed out as hard as possible, this would probably result in one less potential shinigami in the future. Whilst the squads were hardly lacking for manpower, ruining a future potential captain just because she wasn't paying attention was undesirable. Thus, the head captain's response was much flashier: hop onto one of the swords, maintaining her balance for [i]just[/i] long enough to introduce its wielder's face to her foot, and then hop backwards onto another sword. Really, it was quite sad; these trainees hadn't even been handed asauchi. It was depressing; none of them posed the slightest threat unless they had the sheer power to [i]maybe[/i] sneak a hit in. She didn't feel anyone like that around--even though there were quite a few watching. The second student to meet her displeasure, before the first had noticeably completed his path to the ground, was a girl who found herself hoisted up by the diminutive leader, blinking and trying to work out what was going on--before being cast away. Not, however, on any wild trajectory: Kotohime was aiming straight for Agarashi. Always good to keep her captains on their toes. "You better have some sake for me, y'hear?" The scarred shinigami dropped back to the ground, feeling that things were getting a bit crowded. The trainees were preparing for a second strike--so she retaliated in advance, snatching one lagging blade, and spinning it round to trip as many of the novices as possible. Fortunately, she missed the owner, and it was returned in due order: handle to the face. She wasn't using [i]her[/i] zanpakutou. This didn't mean she couldn't use the bokken the morons were trying to hit her with.