[center][b]Mashiba Warehouse[/b] [img=http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k39/KaSsCaBeL/fotos%20de%20bleach/karakura.jpg] The distant howl of a stray dog echoed through the quiet Mashiba district in as the young Angelo mad his way home. This area of town was rather quiet during this time of day, since Mashiba middle school and the few factories closed after dark. Though this part of town didn't host too many residential areas, there were quite a few warehouses and old work studios. Among them, was a rather large, abandoned warehouse surrounded by a barb wire fence. Having not been maintained in years, there were plenty of holes and parts in the fence for Angelo to enter through as he made his way onto the property and into a makeshift metal door. Though the outside was fairly unmanaged, covered in weeds and dust, the inside was actually kept neat and orderly. What used to be used as a conveyor belt stood as a kitchen table and an old television set played reruns of cartoons in the middle of the worksop, which had been transformed into a living room. Sitting on the couch in front of the TV was a little boy who looked no older then 13. He had short brown hair that fell over his eyes and wore baggy clothing a few sized to big for himself. Despite intently watching the images that appeared on the screen in front of him, a pair of headphones dangled from his ear, playing music loud enough to be heard standing next to him. Kicking his legs back and forth, the kid sensed the presence of Angelo as he entered the warehouse. He turned slightly, looking toward their makeshift kitchen before returning his gaze to the television. "Don't sit so close to that thing or you'll rot your eyes out!" Shouted a woman's voice as a slender hand reached down and pulled the ear buds away from the kid. "Ouch! What are you doing Junko! I was using that!" Shouted the little boy, pouting his lips. "Oh don't give me that look Ezzy. Angelo just brought back groceries so come help me cook." Ezekiel didn't move, defiantly putting his headphones back in. "Unless you wanna go on a diet starting tonight!" It couldn't be helped, thought the boy, letting out an exaggerated sigh as he reluctantly stood up. "Hey shy guy! Not even gonna say hi?!" Shouted Junko as she grabbed the bag of groceries on the stove. "I guess you couldn't put anything away either huh?" Piece by piece, she unloaded the food and drinks onto the 'counter' made from an old industrial heating vent covered with a wooden board and coated with a table cloth. There would be more actual furniture here, however when the Visored first came to this place, they had nothing but the clothes on their back. So buying things like a regular dining table or a matching set of chairs was pretty far off. Still, they made do with what they had. Ezekiel stood at the other side of the table with a bored look on his face, as if he had a thousand better things to do. "Hey how about you stop being mister loner up there and come give me a hand with this?" Asked Junko finally, putting a hand on her hip as she looked up toward Angelo's little nest. [/center]