[i][b]Karakura Town[/b][/i] Karakura Town wasn't usually this odd, not as far as Martha remembered. A hub of spiritual activity, of course, but this was strange even for that. To say she was cautious of the bandage clad stranger would be underselling it, for not only was this the second individual who she mentally filed as a pseudo-Shinigami, this one dressed in a manner less than reassuring. Their reiatsu was constrained, held back by force of will, but still overwhelming in a sense. Martha really did not want to fight a foe she knew nothing about, but the possible necessity made its self-evident once she caught on to it; a hollow. Martha's reaction was instant, her Great Bow forming once more from surrounding spirit particles and held up in a position that was ready to fire. It wasn't totally a hollow, which was the odd thing, a strange amalgamation between the sensation of a Shinigami and her quarry. Still, all you needed was a bit of Hollow to send the alarm bells off in Martha's head. She formed no arrow, not yet at least, squinting her hawk-like eyes at the stranger. Through her actions and body language, she communicated her point clearly: She was ready to fight. Martha snorted in mock amusement at the stranger's question. "I feel two things from you, creature. Neither should belong together." She stated sharply, her finger tugging at the bowstring somewhat. "What are you?" Then came the other fellow. Ominous cloaks and coats were in season, it seems. In her mind, the situation had gone from one potential foe to two, warranting the forming of a spear-like arrow, drawn and ready to fire at any one of the two strangers. What followed was unexpected but welcome - the return of Uzami's spirit to her body. It only begged the question of who the second stranger was. He'd left, leaving Martha with the out-cold form of a schoolmate, the first stranger and a Hollow corpse. This night was getting way too freaky too fast. She turned her complete focus to the Shinigami-Hollow, aiming. "A friend of yours?"