What if, you guys play for the same team in the same school. Haha, that would be amazing xD and pfft, Anon, you better run. Kimchi is probably planning to kidnap you *shot* Just kidding, and that does sound pretty time consuming, best of luck with that book ^^ Welcome back, Kimchi :D and thanks for heads up. I hope you enjoy your time with your relatives :) have fun! --- Also, I have questions! *Blames Aki and the Avocado for bringing up so much interesting topics* It's discussion time~ In IC, how is everyone's mental health? After the time skip we'll be creating relationship sheets, so I was wondering who do you think your characters would gravitate towards? It's interesting since this is their darkest hour so far, and plenty of them aren't really in their right minds. Like usually Lesley and Leon would be found with Marti, but after that I think they're relationship is a little strained? Unless Marti is super forgiving and Lesles gets over his guilt? But even then, Leon is dead xD so the group dynamics are currently shifting. It's interesting~ Inadi probably stepped on a few toes, Avian is dead and Song and Brandy are pretty pissed off at him xD The fight brought out more of Leila's feelings then just as she begins to care people start dropping dead around her, and the fight kind of rekindled Jasper's and Lesley's friendship? I love how Lesles is a really determined defender, he's like the big bro of the team, and Jasper was really self-sacrificing too. So, how are your hoomans and guides doing :D? [Hider=Harper] This fight is pretty much his turning point in Nowhere, so after this, expect him to be less nice and more cynical. He finally understands that Nowhere is a cruel place and that saying their pleases and thank yous isn't going to get them home. I don't plan on turning him into a snarky jerk, but this'll kind of change his outlook on what's happening to them. He feels especially bad about Hakuren's death since Haku, like Jasper and Leila have been with him since day one. He's going to be kind of depressed for a bit, sooo *Nominates Ace as Leader* //shot Current relationships with the rest of the lost souls: [b]Jasper -[/b] Ever since Siren lake she's been one of his closest pals in Nowhere. At first, Jasper was really timid, so he made it a point to look out for her. She's crawled out of her shell though, so he doesn't worry too much anymore. Harper knows that he can count on Jasper to watch his back and if she needs any help, he'll do his best. [b]Leila -[/b] He doesn't know her too well, but thinks she's really interesting (and a little weird). He's made it a goal to try and become friends with her. Out of all the Lost Souls, he finds Leila the easiest one to worry about, probably because of how clueless she can be. [b]Ace -[/b] Harper thinks she's too reckless for own good, but ever since Siren Lake, Ace has been one of his closest pals in Nowhere. He doesn't get nervous when sharing his plans with her, so Harper feels like he can speak his mind and joke around because Ace is pretty much one of the friendliest people around. He's at his most comfortable when working together with her. (Working together with Jasper is fine too though that kiss at Siren Lake adds in a pinch of awkwardness) [b]Lesley -[/b] He doesn't know Lesley that well, but thinks the man is really flamboyant. He finds Lesley a tad intimidating. (I plan to change this during the time skip and forge a friendship xD! Gonna talk it out with Anon :D before chappy 5) I can see the more cynical version of Harper gravitating towards Lesles though since the man's really cheerful like Ace. [b]Inadi -[/b] Compared to the others, Inadi is a lot more logical and level-headed and because of this Harper trusts him a lot. He looks up to Inadi and knows that the man is looking out for them, but after what he did to the guides, Harper's been a little bit angry. He understands where Inadi was coming from though and realizes that his friend has a point so he pretty much tossed the issue out the window. I can see the two of them having serious conversations about home xD and other things. (I'll need to ask MUG for more ideas but I can see them becoming bros xD, haha, becoming protective over everyone and promising to look out for them.) [b]Riley -[/b] She reminds him a lot about his sister and over the course of the time skip I'm going to have them become pals and book buddies. [b]Toby -[/b] I can see them as friends? xD Harper will worry about Toby the same way he worries about Leila. (Gotta discuss with Thunder) [b]Ran -[/b] Harper will be relieved to have a grownup on the team but then BAM it turns out he'll be worrying about Ran quite a lot. I can see them becoming good pals and looking out of for each other xD (Gotta discuss with Ryver) [b]Songbird -[/b] He believes Song had every right to snap at them. He's kind of intimidated by the item hunter, so he might try to keep out of Songbird's way. [b]Brandy -[/b] I can see him asking Brandy about books and Songbird. He'd enjoy having some quiet tea with the guide too, so maybe they could be friends? (II'll ask Kathi-chan about this xD) [b]Martini -[/b] She's his favorite guide, I can see Harper following her around and trying to help with whatever he can. He feels bad about what happened back at the cabin and genuinely hopes she doesn't hate them. Martini was pretty much the guide who treated them best xD[/hider] [hider=Riley] The fight defo sapped some of her cheer out of her, but unlike Harper she's not going to change that much, that'll happen in the future. Riley will be less energetic and cheerful but she's going to look out for the others and try to see if there's anyway to help. Wow, Riley has a lot of catching up to do in the relationship department >-< [b]Harper -[/b] I plan to give them a little bro/ big sis sort of relationship as time goes by, they'll also be book buddies. [b]Jasper -[/b] The healer saved her life and because of that Riley has pledged her loyalty to the girl! If Jasper needs any help, Riley will be there. [b]Leila -[/b] The girl never ceases to pique her curiosity, Riley thinks Leila is incredible brave and very, very interesting. Like Lesley, she's become pretty protective of the girl. She'll probably be seen following Leila around and asking questions. Riley wishes the girl would talk more and thinks that she'd make a great friend. [b]Ace -[/b] Hah, now this is someone who knows how to have fun! They get along and Riley thinks Ace is really cool, someone who knows how chillax and have a good time. [b]Lesley -[/b] She first entered Nowhere with Lesley and Vince, but now Vince is gone, so she's really protective of Lesley. It doesn't show, but if anything bad were to happen to him, she'd get horrible upset. (I can see them getting along well and becoming good friends, but don't really have a solid idea at the moment xD I'll need to plan things with Anon.) [b]Inadi -[/b] That stunt with the guides was upsetting, she doesn't really know what to think of him at the moment. (It could go either way depending on the time skip, I'll need to plan stuff with MUG. I can see them becoming pals and writing buddies though.) [b]Ran -[/b] I look forward to having them interact xD I can see Riley messing with him in friendly ways, calling him grandpa and asking him all sorts of questions. [b]Toby -[/b] Because of his cheerfulness I can see them becoming good friends as well. As for the guides, she hasn't really known them for long, but thinks they're pretty cool. (Gonna plan with Kathi-chan and Kei-chan xD)[/hider] Oh, and none of the stuff above is set in stone. Everything is open to change ^^! We'll be filling the two month time skip with events, so how things go depends on what you guys want and how you decide to play stuff out. If someone wants a friendship to turn into a rivalry or mutual hatred, that's fine, just make sure there's a logical reason and you guys talk it out :) I hope you're all having a swell mornight (^w^)b