The rest of the day had gone slowly for Youhei and his whiskey. By the time Yoromatsu called SEES together and dragged them to Tartarus, he was halfway though his second bottle... To say that Youhei was a bit tipsy would be a serious understatement and yet he managed to hold himself together well enough for it not to be immediately obvious. His plan was simple; go along with whatever Yoromatsu said until the group was allowed to disperse, then stagger into town and spend the rest of the night finishing his reserves in a park somewhere. Sadly, fate had a different idea in mind... Youhei's face fell as Yoromatsu outlined his plan to explore a whole [i]five levels[/i] of Tartarus, undoubtedly fighting whatever Shadows they found inside... In his current state of inebriation, the best he could do was vomit on them. Nevertheless he remained silent, putting all his effort in at least looking sober and ready for action.