[img]http://i.imgur.com/J8VStXo.png[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/ZEQcnsM.png[/img] [b][u]Academy of the Arts: Performance Hall[/b][/u] "Hey, hey, on the bright side, they didn't take your academy." Lucien gave the furious Tobias a reassuring grin before he turned to face Dailia and Marcus. "Don't worry, he'll be fine, he's a guilder." The summoner grabbed one of Dylan's arms and swung it over his shoulder. "I never knew Dylan could be so amazing. Did he ever do something like this before?" Slowly, he made his way to one of the unbroken chairs and lowered Dylan onto it. This had definitely been an interesting night. It was a shame the academy was in ruins, but at least everyone was alright. Xan was glaring at the hole the thieves had used to escape, she didn't look very happy and Lucien figured it was because the bad guys had gotten away. Heh, at least they left empty handed. The others began talking about calling for medics and Lucien's eyes flitted across the room. They all looked a little worse for wear, but no one was bleeding to death on the ground, that was good. "Yep, yep!" He slammed a fist into his open hand, "we're alive and we chased those thieves away, hey Syed." He was peering out the door now, "are the leader and the boss alright?" He inced closer towards the door, what was his even asking? It was the boss and their leader, of course they were fine! "Oi, leader, they ran away with their tails between their legs!" He gave her two thumbs ups. "Dylan gave them a rock hard fist, maybe we can ask him to show us again next time." Xan couldn't help but laugh a little. Well...Lucien sure was quick to recover and sometimes she wondered if he had a few screws lose. The metallurgist turned to face Aria and smiled. "Yeah, everyone should be fine after a good rest."