[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/VaKdwK5.png[/img][/center] [b]"It's time we leave, I guess we'll see you guys around, you should join us for tea sometime."[/b] [i]Tea?[/i] Leila’s eyes widened in joy - or rather, something that came as close to joy as possible when there are broken ribs and a gash in the back of the shoulder - upon the mentioning of tea. The people at home prepared excellent beverages of that kind. Dear, did she miss tea… ...smoke bomb. As if her respiratory system wasn’t going through enough trouble already. Inhaling the irritating gas, Leila didn’t even cough anymore - the sounds she made were now just suppressed, sharp whimpers coming through a compressed airway - and it was the same sound with her breathing in or out. [b]”Combat stance!”[/b] One of the humans that joined them, a young boy with fluffy blond hair, shouted gleefully. And, as if on the cue of the over-excited battle cry, the wood that she relied on for support slipped and Leila crumpled onto the ground. [centre]* * * *[/centre] The pain in the shoulder when it hit the ground didn’t fade even after a while. In fact, nothing faded - pain and fatigue tend to just stay where they were, it seemed; Leila thought as she lay face-up on the ground. She pondered upon other things, too. So the heart was a...rock, of sorts. One dark in colour and obviously carved - patterns encompassing the gem’s surface that could only have been a creation of a practitioner of art and not of nature alone. She wondered how that was possible. She wondered how that was supposed to be reasonable, only to remind herself that it most certainly wasn’t. This was Nowhere, after all. A few people were around the place. The battered batch of Lost Souls - [i]what’s left[/i] of the Lost Souls. It unsettles Leila thinking that and it was even more uncomfortable suppressing the urge to look around for trees and stone statues. She checked - Harper was still breathing, although shallowly. Lesley is resting. Ace was still speaking, although Leila heard her voice slowly fade away - either it really did, or Leila was too tired to stay focused herself and had tuned out. She couldn’t tell. Two new humans. The jolly boy earlier, and an older lad with a goatee and the kind of cap and hairstyle only artists would have. Ah, artists - Leila smiled weakly as she wondered if he actually was one. Those people tend to be interesting. Where did they come from? She didn’t see any form of transport nearby anytime recently, and it didn’t look like they trekked through the forest like them. Maybe she just wasn’t paying attention, she figured - everything of her memory of the last thirty minutes seemed to have intertwined into a giant ball of thread except impossible to unravel. Of course, because the notion “thirty minutes” didn’t work as it was expected to. Not here. There was a third member in the group of strangers. Leila took her as a human at first but she soon revealed herself to be a soldier from Aven, like…the thought of Avian being dead broke her chain of thought once again. She laid back and just looked at the sky. It surely wouldn’t hurt to look at the sky a little. [b]"Hold your heads up high. We still have things to collect. You all still have people to see."[/b] Ace. Leila knew - quite surprisingly that, although this thought didn’t come forth until much later - that those words were intended to sound encouraging; but she couldn’t help but interpret that into something that much more bitter. There was still work to do. Leila tried starting to speak - her breathing was less of a struggle now and much more regular, but it didn’t stop her from starting the sentence by hacking up some more of nothing, out of her dry, sore throat. “...We should - [i]hch[/i] - ...have... - [i]hch[/i] - ...the tea first.” ...if possible.