[quote=Michi]Also, I've been pretty curious ^^ What was everyone's life like a year before Nowhere? What were the Nobodies' lives like before they became guides? Do the humans regret getting on the train (Now that everything's gone to hell and people are dying xD) and do the guides regret their decision to accompany the humans? (I'm guessing Songbird is really regretting it, haha) Also, at this point, they've been missing for almost two months already. Have their families given up hope? And have some even thrown funerals for them already?[/quote] I only saw this now hahahahahaha- *shot* [hider=Songbird] Songbird and Brandy are very close. He personally thinks that Brandy needs more sleep. Songbird repeatedly mentioned his opinion of Martini's fashion "obsession" IC, so I won't repeat. There's a protective undertone to their friendship though. He likes it when she's happy so anything that makes Martini sad is a big fat "NO" in Songbird's opinion, unless if it includes him wearing one of her designs. The humans that Songbird "bonded" with the most are Leila and Jasper, mostly because their behavior didn't irritate him. He thinks they're nice and has already taken on the "big brother/protector" role for the two, but for the others... He thinks Riley jumps around too much but doesn't have an issue with Ace since they hadn't interacted a lot. He thinks Harper is "cute" like a tiny little dog trying to bark at a much bigger one, but that's probably Martini's opinion rubbing off on him. Is currently holding a grudge against some of the humans, namely Lesley, Inadi and Leon (ehhh). Doesn't actually mind the spear jabbing since he can just go and break Inadi's arm if he actually made true on the threat and is angrier at having seen Martini cry. I tackled Songbird's past both in the IC and in his weebly bio. ^ o ^ / He regrets being a guide because the humans flipping out at them like that was a shitty thing to do, but deep inside he's worrying about how to fix their relationship and maybe go back to at least working terms since he knows they'll need his help. Gotta fix his arm first doe [/hider] [hider=Avian] Avian and the other guides were okay. Victoria is a fan of Martini so Avian knows who she is, and he bumped into Songbird a lot back when he was still a traveler. He thinks of all the Lost Souls as his kids and adores them. :D He thought that Inadi and Hakuren just needed some time to thaw out, and that Ace and Lesley showed great fortitude despite the trying situation. He's basically the fine with everyone even after that bit with the fight, since he understands that they have questions they needed answers to, but he thinks that it was seriously the wrong time to have done that. Avian and Victoria were pretty much war heroes both in Sol and Aven, so they have a comfortable and peaceful life with the occasional couple spat. Avian, unbeknownst to Vicky hahahaha, was from a minor branch of the royal family in Aven; his parents were renowned dragonlords and most of the members of his family worked for the government as knights or ministers. He wasn't "compatible" with any dragon so he just ended up traveling all over Nowhere, which is what he wanted instead of being tied to tradition and all that royal fancy-shmancy stuff, but he returned during the War to protect Aven. Before being assigned as a guide (and dying, may I add), Avian was having a "fun" life. Workload was infinitely smaller since Sol was a tranquil place to begin with, and he was starting to settle in on their new home. He was also considering asking Vicky about children, but always chickens out of it because lately she seemed pissed off at him for some reason. I'd love to say that he regrets being a guide because it took his life, but he doesn't. Really. That's how golden Avian is OTL (Up in fluffy Nowhere Heaven) Avian's happy Lesley is alive and that his death amounted for something, but feels depressed that he wasn't able to help more. Also feels horrendously sad at the fact that he and Vicky parted on angry terms. Papa A's proud of his babies for surviving that mean ol' hag, yo! But he's dead and the aforementioned feelings are simply my ruminations. I don't know if that's what he's feeling up in Nowhere Heaven ahahaha. ... Because there's [i]no[/i] Nowhere Heaven. [/hider] [hider=Numair] I'm not Numair's creator so I'll try to recall what SilverWishes wrote for him, but these are my stuff... [b]Gary![/b] The first time they met... He had a tiny crush on her but then she told him to strip. Gary pretty much broke Numair down with her hyperactivity and constant demands to see "the buns". At first he couldn't deal with it and stayed as far away as he could from her, but eventually got accustomed to her presence (under threat of death from the pole). Thinks she and Sacha have that platonic soulmate thing going on. Also doesn't like it when Gary beats him within five moves in dama. Dislikes it more when she counters his insults with "That's [i]ad hominem[/i] and it isn't a real argument, ignoramus". Thinks if she wants people to respect her she should stop thwacking with the pole and just show them how much of a genius she is. [b]Sacha![/b] Numair thinks Sacha's amazing in a St. Bernard in the mountains a.k.a "I'll save you from the evil pink-haired hobbit" sort of way. Sacha keeps Gary away from the kitchen which means less poison for him to ingest one way or another, so he's really thankful for that. He goes to help with Sacha's chores and enjoys the quiet cleaning time. [b]Luke![/b] BRO! BROOOOOOO- They're chill. They talk about games a lot and their sense of humor is pretty much spot-on hahaha They shiver in fear together when Gary's in a bad mood. He winces whenever Gary kicks Luke in the nuts. [b]C![/b] She's okay. He just finds it weird when she spaces out and mumbles something to herself. Sometimes he thinks she's asleep and then she suddenly perks up and looks at the curtains... e n e In his first days with the HF he thought he would wake up in the middle of the night to see her standing over him, a pipe in one hand and that constant apathetic look on her face. Combined with a near death experience and a lot of broken bones, it took him days to calm down, which aggravated his condition. They eventually "poisoned" Numair just to get him to sleep. He's the pack mule whenever C goes shopping for home decor. [b]A year before:[/b] Numair was just about recovering from his surfing accident around this time, I think. This was the period of time where he basically dropped everything and remained inside his room, depressed about everything in life. When he recovered, he joined another surfing competition to show everyone he was back, and he felt okay enough to go through the event. He thought he would be able to do it and joined the other competitors out on the beach, but the sight and the sound of the waves crashing against the shore just sent memories flooding back and he was unable to move. After bailing out on that event, he resumed living as a hermit, appalled at his weakness and inability to do the one thing he loved the most in life. [b]Regret?:[/b] He'd do anything if it meant getting over his phobia. [b]Missing:[/b] Numair lives on his own since his parents are working abroad, and they don't keep communication... A handful of friends would probably be concerned, but would think he was just holing himself up in his house since he pretty much shut everyone out after the NDE. [/hider]