As per Angel’s suggestion, the medics of Aliquam arrived as quickly as Dalia could call. All of the town’s medical personnel descended upon the Academy to offer relief and assistance, not only to the Pride and Rose whom had suffered the worst injuries, but also the other members of the academy’s staff, the Priests and Priestesses that all of the thieves had knocked out (along with the two Empire soldiers, Biggs and Wedge). Thankfully, none of the injuries were too grievous… true, Rose had suffered a broken ankle, Moira had suffered an extensive list of injuries (of which she was past used to) and Estelle had an incredibly sore and numb head and pounding headache, but other then that, they were all safe and okay, and only in need of rest. Outside, the Masked Phantom’s body was gone. In the thieves’ escape, they had carried him off with them, and fled into the night. Hopefully this would serve as a lesson to them to back off and stay far away from Aliquam, because as far as the building dedicated to the goddess Aislin’s inhabitants were concerned… Aliquam would not fall. Not now, and not ever. The next day, the remainder of the staff would do a sweep throughout the Academy in search of the explosives charges the thieves had planted, safely dismantling all of them. It would take some time, but life and studies would gradually return to normal. Until then, the students took delight in being able to relax and enjoy a short break. The Pride too, took a break and nursed their weary bodies back to health… ------------------ [img][/img] [img][/img] [b][u]Three days later; Morning Aliquam: Cervantés Mansion[/u][/b] “I feel fine, Dalia, honest,” Dylan replied with a sigh as he sat up in his bed, his diligent and faithful sister by his side, pouring him a glass of water and peeling for him an apple. She looked towards her younger brother with that all too familiar stern look of his, assuring him that despite his protestations she would take none of it. He would remain in bed a lot longer. After his stunt back in the Academy’s theatre, Dylan had passed out and slept for two days straight. The amount of magical stamina he had to use back then was absolutely draining, if not impossible. She still wasn’t sure how Dylan had managed to do that- he had never shown that much… power or strength before. He needed his rest. “You may ‘feel fine’, Dylan, but that doesn’t mean you actually are. You’re still staying in bed for a little while longer. The doctors said so.” Dalia nodded. “You shouldn’t be reckless when it comes to matters like getting better.” Dylan sighed and rolled his eyes, sinking back into his bed. “As you say, dear sister. To be honest… rest isn’t so bad. I guess I could… use it.” Dylan turned his head, to look at the window beside his bed, and the sun shining through the swaying trees outside. “Being a Guilder is such fine work. Exhilarating and rewarding but… I’d be lying if I didn’t say it was also really tiring.” “Then maybe you should take a break?” Dalia asked. Dylan snapped his head towards her, and she rolled her eyes. “I didn’t mean it like that, Dylan. I wouldn’t dream of trying to convince you to abandon your friends. But taking a short break and vacation isn’t a bad idea, is it? Like you said, it’s tiring. And your body needs rest… so it might be nice to take a small absence. I heard from Estelle and Marcus about their mission and how important it is, searching for the Guild Leaders of Clockwork Town… and how they need to leave for their next destination tomorrow. But you could catch up to them, couldn’t you? Like your other friends. And in the meantime, just… have a rest. Catch up with your friends. And… well… me.” “Dalia…” Dalia sniffled, rubbing her eye. “I missed you, Dylan,” Dalia frowned. “Is it wrong to want to spend some more time with you before you leave again?” Her brother sighed, and looked out of the window again, and the sparkling sunlight dripping through. He thought about his friends, about how awful it would be, to feel like he was abandoning them. But it was like Dalia said, he wouldn’t. Taking a small break wouldn’t mean anything… after all, he could never stay away from his friends. Just like Big Bro, Selan, Lisette and adorable little Kapi… he would come back. They couldn’t keep him away. It would also mean possibly having to see Tobias some more. That, he didn't look forward to... but maybe he could do something about that. Get some closure. He needed it. He finally looked back to Dalia and smiled. “Okay, Dalia. I think I could take a small break.” [img][/img] Pressed against the wooden door to Dylan’s room, Estelle’s face was squashed on one side as she eavesdropped on the conversation inside intensely, having sneakily listened to every last word. She smiled. Being apart from Dylan, like all of her other friends, even for a little while, would suck. But it was okay, and she knew it was okay, because Dylan would definitely come back to them. And in the meantime, he’d be able to hang around his friends and his home a little bit longer. Thinking about that, she almost felt a bit homesick. Estelle’s injuries had for the most part healed nicely. She had a bandage plastered to her cheek and a rather nasty bruise accompanying it, but she was back to her usual high spirits as always, after she ranted and screamed when she first woke up that the thieves had got away. Next time… [b]next time[/b] they met any thieves, she was definitely going to take them down. No matter what. “Leader… what are you doing?” Estelle suddenly glanced up from her crouched position at the door, almost losing her balance entirely and falling into Dylan’s room. She caught and steadied herself, leaping to her feet and sheepishly laughing with one hand scratching the back of her head. “Heh. Hehehe! Xandra! Just the person I was looking for!” [img][/img] The Metallurgist raised a curious eyebrow at the redhead, and then back down at the door where Estelle was, frowning in confusion. “With your head against the door?” “Never mind that!” Estelle grabbed Xandra’s shoulder and began leading her down one of the Cervantés Mansion’s sizeable interior corridors with several doors lining down the corridor for their guest rooms. “You have a date with Angél tonight, right? We need to get you ready… (。+・`ω・´)”