[hider=Can't draw lately so... a picture!][img]http://i163.photobucket.com/albums/t317/Tsuricube/z5M9VFY2Xag_zps8abafb91.jpg[/img][/hider] Full Name: Andra Nariaki Age: 15 Gender: Female Weapon: Andra dual wields a katana(23.9”) and a wakizashi (23’’), in other words, a daisho. She usually switches between the individual blades, using its respective scabbard to dual wield instead. However, when she really gets into a battle, she’ll use both blades. [hider=Looks like this:][img=http://i733.photobucket.com/albums/ww339/DarkArticulation/05.jpg][/hider] Personality: Andra is a shy girl with a streak of clumsiness. She is the type to easily get discouraged and tear up so she can seem rather gloomy, but when she befriends someone and becomes attached to them, she almost always has a smile. Despite her generally timid demeanor, however, she absolutely loves battles, and finds them very fun. Her natural clumsiness disappears somehow, and she recklessly charges into battle, opting to go with the flow instead.