[img]http://i1111.photobucket.com/albums/h461/kathichan1/ariacastshot.png[/img] [u][b]Aliquam: Cervantés Mansion[/b][/u] Aria wandered down the hallway, a piece of toast with butter and jam in one hand and a plate of bacon and eggs in the other. The mansion was as gorgeous as she remembered, but unfortunately it also seemed to be a lot bigger than she remembered. The illusionist paused at a fork, eyes narrowed as she munched thoughtfully. She could've sworn her room was nearby but nothing looked familiar. She didn't want to loiter around for too long- Lulu was in his mother hen mode again, and while she enjoyed breakfast in bed as much as the other girl being fussed over needlessly wasn't too fun. Her injuries weren't even that bad, just some scrapes and bruises. Luckily for her, the sound of faint voices traveled down the hall and she grinned, resuming in her little morning amble/escape. "...[i] have a date with Angél tonight, right? We need to get you ready…[/i]" "Yes yes, we certainly do!" She popped around the corner, inwardly grinning when the two girls jumped. Estelle had mostly if not completely recovered and was looking as energetic as usual, while Xan just looked rather embarrassed. To think that her friend was finally going on a date- Aria resisted the urge to wipe away imaginary tears of joy and instead slung her arm around the girl's shoulders. "Look at you, all grown up. And you even managed to get quite the cutie, hm?" She poked the girl's cheek playfully. They were going to need to borrow some clothes if they were going to make a good impression. Perhaps they should go ask Rose if she had any extra dresses that might fit Xan?