That'd be real cool.
HikikomoriMoxy said
At some point or another who would like it if I drew a family photo? Like all the characters in the family?
arowne97 said
James hates
HikikomoriMoxy said
He's one guy in a house of hunters, he's a getting in a photo c:<
arowne97 said
last time someone took a picture of him he shot the camera with an entire clip of ammo. XD
HikikomoriMoxy said
That's why we learn from out mistakes ovo
arowne97 said
last time someone took a picture of him he shot the camera with an entire clip of ammo. XD
Drakeonis said
I have a feeling that won't work twice. XD
HikikomoriMoxy said
then we wont tell him o3o
Rin Okumura said
I've got a solution: hold James at gunpoint to take the photo :D