Suddenly goat out of freaking nowhere! [hider=mein CS] [center][b]Biographical Section[/b][/center] [b]Name:[/b] Elrbetrt Westfeld [b]Age:[/b] 20 [b]Race:[/b] Human [b]Sex:[/b] Female [b]Appearance:[/b] She is of average height of 5'7", with a thin figure. Her eyes are of a silver color, complementing her shoulder length locks of pale blonde hair. Her skin are pale as well, lending her the looks of an apparition. However, most would ever see her in full armor, regardless of where she was, as it was her mother's wish she does so when outside the house. Perhaps her mother does not want her to be tanned brown by the sun. [b]Homeland:[/b] [i]Kingdom of Liveria:[/i] Liveria is a single city-state with self-sustaining farmlands. They are isolationist in nature and their ruler, Crown-Prince Xavier, rejected the idea of folding into the greater Renaltan kingdom due to conflicting ideologies. Where Liveria wants to be left alone, Renalta wants to swing open its doors. This has led to some friction between the two kingdoms at points, with Liveria claiming total control over the only coastline Renalta could feasible use. Liveria is small but determined, and their people tend to be either commoners who work for the rich, or the rich who pay tariffs and taxes to the royalty, whom in turn use said taxes and tariffs to ensure their isolationism remains intact. Unlike Renalta’s open city architecture, Liveria as a city holds are more gothic architecture, with stone gargoyles and dark stone used in construction one could almost be forgiven for confusing the keep for a citadel of engineering genius. Almost. [b]History:[/b] Born of the Westfeld family, her silver eyes and blindness marked her as special within her family. Those who were born with silver eyes were regarded as a good omen and as a symbol of fortune or good luck in her family, and she was treated as such, being doted on constantly. Her parents were elated to have such a child and lavished much of their attention to her. Her brothers were mostly taken in by such frail looking younger sister, and dotes on her whenever they had the chance. As such she was taught early on how a lady should act, alongside with more academic lessons such as writing, reading, and other things such as simple maths. However, she was born of a family of traditional knights, thus she too was taught how to ride a horse early. and some swordsmanship, though it was mostly how to hold and swing a sword properly. It was not as if the pale flower of the family would be sent to the front lines in any battle soon. Or so they thought. There came whispers of daemons and other fel beasts gathering, and where most dismissed them as rumours, a product of mere peasants flapping their gums, the Westfelds sought truth. As a family of knights, of those who uphold honor, justice and the light, her brothers marched to battle the instant they found traces of the demons' influences. At first her brothers marched, taking with them some of the guards at the mansion, and a few militias who felt strongly about the matter. And when her youngest older brother returned gravely hurt, her father donned his armor once more, bringing with him the elite guards of the house. And she was left alone. It was hard, having to wait in the pristine mansion, where life continued as it had, even as her brothers and father fought in gods know where with some daemonic hellspawn of unknown description. Finally, after tending to her unconscious brother, and after consulting her aging mother, she finally decided to ride to battle herself, and help end the fight against those foul creatures. For sure, if those demons and beasts were beaten back into whence they came, her brothers and father would not need to fight, and thus return home safely and unharmed. There was a slight problem however, for none of the armors in the armory was made to fit her, and a new one would take a while to make. Then there was an issue of outfitting herself with proper weapons, equipments, clothings, and the likes. Thus, as her faithful servants scurried to prepare for her journey, she took aside the instructor for her brothers and asked him to teach her more. And after a month of preparation and training, she was finally able to set out on her journey. However, she was followed by her maid, who insisted she be allowed to follow her lady or be killed on the spot. While the maid sports a sword of her own, plus some armor with a tabard with the family sigil, she was mostly there to assist the lady in more common or mundane tasks. After quite a while roaming about, Elr finally heard of the Queen's Blade, and sought join it. [b]Motivation:[/b] The battle must end, and my family return whole. Then my life shall be as it was. [center][b]Traits & Equipment[/b][/center] [b]General Traits[/b] --Heavy Hitter: Where some would resort to flailing their arms about in an unsophisticated manner, you’ve decided that if you can hit something hard enough the first time that it stays down, that you can end fights before they can even really begin. Though, you’re still working on that “consistent” part, and not slowing down when you swing harder than usual. In the case of a ranged weapon, it means a larger calibre firearm or larger bow, translating to greater recoil and/or slower fire rate instead. (Basics of doing more damage with each swing.) --Defender: You could take more hits to the face and become an unrecognizable, horrible mutilated piece of scar tissue on one and a half legs... Or, you’ve mused, you could probably just stop that by holding a shield and your armour correctly. This lets you absorb harder blows with your shield and armour. (Basics of wielding shields and armour (especially heavy armour) effectively.) --Charger: Something a lot of people don’t seem to realize is that the more muscles you have, the faster you are. Sure, perhaps not dexterous, but certainly faster. While you have only begun to learn the true meaning of land speed and would still be caught and killed by a tiger, you are capable of a short distance charge that can knock opponents down and catch the unwary by surprise. (Basics of dashing quickly and charging into opponents.) --Adrenaline (Rank 1) -Underdog (Tier 2): Where others would collapse and die, you live on. You know that if you can live just long enough to take out your opponent, you can stop and rest, and in doing so prolong and increase your odds of survival. (If the opponent you are engaging is struck dead, and you disengage to rest, you have a greater chance of surviving lethal or severe wounds, and have a small chance of recovering from them sufficiently to be combat-ready without the assistance of a healer.) [b]Unique Traits[/b] --We of the Westfeld The Westfeld family are traditionally a family of knights with a long history, having fought in many a battle, large or small. Aside from the usual expertise of horseback combat from such a family, they are also healthier and stronger than the average commoner. Perhaps its the fine food? --Sightless Mind (Rank 2) Born blind, her other senses becomes her sight. Smell, hearing, the way the wind touches her skin, all of them help in some way to paint a picture of the surrounding for her. By now her senses have become sharper, being able to identify and distinguish a multitude of things, though after a certain range even her sharp senses would not be able to pick it up. --She of the Silver Eyes Those born with silver eyes were almost always regarded as an omen of good luck, and bringers of good fortune. While most of the story were just old wives' tales, she does have a mild resistance to evil. Though this does tend to draw evil to her sometimes. [b]Equipment List[/b] Her armor consists of a steel breastplate over chainmail, gaunlets and greaves, all well made and ornately designed while still remaining functional. Her helm is a bit differently designed, having no openings for eyes, and instead having a solid faceplate to lower or raise. And a dark blue surcoat with her family crest on it. Her large kite shield follows the same design, though it is emblazoned with a gold raven gripping a lance over a dark blue background. Her sword is a long and thick rectangular piece of metal with both sides sharpened, something one of her ancestors decided to adopt as the family's weapon of choice after fighting a foreigner in a duel. Called a khanda, her sword had an engraving of a rune on each side of the ebony blade, the maker's mark. A horse, clad in chainmail, burdened with bags containing her possessions and provisions, and a mount on the side to hold a lance. [center][b]Personal Section[/b][/center] [b]Romance:[/b] Yes. As long as the partner is not slimy, squishy and or have more than 4 limbs. [b]Does the Kouri Plushie exist?:[/b] it must be, if people knows about it. [b]Signature:[/b] GreenGoat [/hider] After getting the okay from Brovo here is my application.