She stood with him and walked her bowl over to the sink. She helped him as he began to do the dishes. She put away extra food that had been left out and as it started to pile up, she dried the dishes. She looked at him and sighed, "I didn't know... That they were so cruel." He nodded. Not a lot of people know that." He wiped the counters as she finished the dishes he glanced at her when she continued to talk. "We don't learn much about the other Nations... I know that they are getting to their feet ever since Avatar Aang.... And that they had been wiped out hundreds of years ago," she sighed as she began to put away the dishes that were dry, "You would think that they'd be thankful for what they had... Not preying on young woman..." She leaned against the counter and looked at him, "Are they all like that man?" "Not all but most are. Some are thankful and try to make their own way, but there are a lot of nomads that are feeding off of other kingdoms, still using the extinction card to get what they want. " he looked out the window and Leaned on the counter.." A group killed my mother and brother... For no reason. That's when I started seeing their true nature... Part of why I became a police officer." He looked over at her" to make sure they don't do it to anyone else."