[b]@Everyone:[/b] I'll be able to do character sheet reviews and the like later. I figured I should offer some sneak peaks at the missions and explain some shit while I could before I had to run to work. [b][center]Index/Summary[/center][/b] [b]Kingdom of Renalta:[/b] Find Angel Enclave, Investigate Demon Incursion. (Anti-Terrorism, Recruiting.) [b]The Imperium:[/b] Assist Florence in finding the Eternal Soul Gem. (Dungeon Delving.) [b]Kingdom of Rheinfeld:[/b] Assist in mediating between the Republic and the Templar Order, Investigate Demon Incursion. (Defend and Diplomacy.) [b]Kingdom of Liveria:[/b] Save the Crown-Princess! (Rescue Mission.) [b]The Goblin Holds:[/b] Investigate rumours of Demonic Incursion, assist King Xixis with his “silent task”. (First Contact, Diplomacy, Anti-Terrorism.) [b]The Free Holds:[/b] Assassinate the leader of the Warlord Bands and his Succubi “Helper.” (Contract Killing, Destroy Demonic Incursion.) [b]The Underdark Coalition:[/b] Find the Crown, convince Illithids to join the Coalition. (Dungeon Delving, Diplomacy.) [b]Kingdom of Tuleria:[/b] Stop the Assassin before he kills Varro or Janelle! (Mystery, Anti-assassination.) [b]The Amazons:[/b] Slay the Gluttony-Drake before it can destroy the Amazonian civilization. (Hunt, Alliance-building.) Note that out of all nine missions (which will have more information than their summaries, obviously), you can all only do a maximum of [b]five[/b]. This means you will have to choose four to leave to their own devices. As well, since these missions are no longer tutorial missions or otherwise, the stakes are much higher. Not taking a mission results in very harsh consequences for that nation. Such as not taking the Underdark Coalition mission will result in the coalition falling apart and the Underdark altogether being weakened and vulnerable to demonic incursion. Failure to help the Amazons will result in the loss of their entire civilization. So on and so forth. On the other hand, the nations you choose to assist, should you be successful, will throw everything they have to help you. You'll make contacts for later missions, and the factions you're helping will be more than glad to help you get out of a pinch in the missions they've assigned you to do. Choose wisely, and prepare to live with the consequences of your decisions. You'll have the opportunity to achieve great power, make potent alliances, and save great swathes of people. On the other hand, due to your limited resources, you'll also have to pick and choose which nations have to suffer from neglect, and potentially, which nations will be the invasion points for the Nine Hells. That is: While one nation may seem more useful to you, another nation you might opt to initially abandon might be a very powerful point for the demons to invade from. Be careful and good luck, when the time comes to choose who it is you will save, and who it is you will be forced to leave to their own devices.