[hider=Buns clicky]Hey Buns, there's plenty of time to get things fleshed out. Don't overthink or worry too much about it; Pacman told me you have a general idea for it already (although not what it was haha), so as long as you get the details hammered out during your break times at home or something, you'll be fine. :) Your villain won't be showing up anytime too soon in my chap anyway, if that helps you feel better re: planning. I'll be sending out a group PM for you, me, and Pacman probably later tonight if not tomorrow so we can get the CSes and motivations, etc. squared away, and that'll be one less thing you have to worry about. If you're struggling for an appearance, I can help you out - I have plenty of pics and methods of scoping out pics, and I don't mind helping you out if you need it. :)

But if you really do feel like it's getting too much and it's stressing you out, then feel free to drop the villain too. I really don't want to stress anyone out with my chapter (not more than I have to anyway (; ), so if you decide against it in the end, it's seriously okay hahaha. I mean it shouldn't get to a stressful point with the way I'm trying to get everything planned in advance with loads of leeway, but if something happens and/or you want to take more precautions, don't feel locked into using a villain for my chapter.[/hider]
Re: Xan/Angel's date, we could just play out them meeting up and heading out but not the actual date? So maybe one or two more rounds before calling the ends of the chap? I don't want to make the calls on that though lol, I'm fine with anything. Xandra could always think over the random details that's happened over the beginning of my chapter too so we don't have to drag this one out (and bore players that aren't involved... unless they wanna stalk (。+・`ω・´)) hahaha.

Speaking of which, I'll postpone my IC until tomorrow morning before Pacman posts; I want to give Fox the chance to post before I do. :) Gonna have some difficulty posting during the daytime tomorrow anyway, so if anything I'll probs post twice on Friday or Saturday, whenever we get my co-gm chapter started. There's no rush or anything though ^^ Could use the extra time to finalize last-minute details and potential loopholes hahaha.