[Quote=Green Goat] --She of the Silver Eyes Those born with silver eyes were almost always regarded as an omen of good luck, and bringers of good fortune. While most of the story were just old wives' tales, she does have a mild resistance to evil. Though this does tend to draw evil to her sometimes. [/Quote] Not a bad trait, but just noting that silver eyes are the signs that the character is a vampire. [Quote=Brovo] Note that out of all nine missions (which will have more information than their summaries, obviously), you can all only do a maximum of five. This means you will have to choose four to leave to their own devices. As well, since these missions are no longer tutorial missions or otherwise, the stakes are much higher. Not taking a mission results in very harsh consequences for that nation. Such as not taking the Underdark Coalition mission will result in the coalition falling apart and the Underdark altogether being weakened and vulnerable to demonic incursion. Failure to help the Amazons will result in the loss of their entire civilization. So on and so forth. [/Quote] Uh, I understand that this is supposed to be a sadistic choice and all...but if not taking one [i]dooms the civilization[/i]...I personally think that's stretching things a bit. Combined with the fact that it's kinda hard for all of these things to be happening at the same time, and that it's somewhat of a steep jump in stakes from the tutorial missions...TPK anyone? :P Just my opinion on the matter.