PFFT, what a cute bunny and yay <3! WB Kathi-chan! Haha, close enough! It's [url=]Gangstafy[/url] and it works with any site! The OOC is hilarious, I found this little gem in it. [quote=Akiblue]"Menstrual Health: Biatch was fine until tha witch started toyin wit her n' shit."[/quote] OTL, I'm so sorry. I can't get over this line. But yeah 8D it totally works with anything! Got an important email or essay, gangstafy! It works on Shakespeare too. *thrown off a cliff* D'awww Anon, Lesley is an adorable and precious hooman >w< *pinches his cheeks* I feel bad for his parents :c! Good job with back stories and relationships guys, I love how everyone comes from different walks of life. --- @Time skip discussions The scene we'll be playing out takes place two weeks (human time) after they defeated the witch so it'll take place inside the castle, but we defo need activities for the rest of the month and a half before we time skip. Those are great ideas Kimchi! :) I can see the queen telling the guides to bring the hoomans someplace nice (after they recover) All the ideas are great and I especially love the public event and beach ones! Perhaps the rabbit sisters brought them to a dance at the square and they all get drunk because some Nobody scams them into buying "milk" haha. We can use that as a basis to improve relationships. We could say Song bailed one of the drunk humans out of a drunken competition? You guys will need to talk among yourselves for that, but it definitely works. Or maybe Lesley and Martini team up to save someone from drowning at the beach. (It should defo be Ran >8D) Ran: Oh look Toby! A milk river! *jumps into the river and starts to sink* MAYBE INADI, JASPER, AND LESLEY GOT STUCK IN A FERRIS WHEEL. [s]Drama fuel ;)[/s] Also, I added stuff to the first OOC post~! It was Aki's idea and nope, Nobodies don't age, so there isn't a legal drinking age in Nowhere. --- HF relationship thingy. B) I'm not including their pasts, that way they'll remain mysterious. [hider=C] [b][u]Gary[/b][/u] They get into silly spats from time to time due to stuff regarding their budget. C thinks Gary can be a bit too violent and loud, but they're friends and she enjoys listening to the girl speak. She tries to keep Gary out of trouble from time to time and makes it a point to look out for their bouncy hobbit. [b][u]Sacha[/b][/u] Like Numair, she thinks Sacha is amazing. C tries her best to help him with the chores and sometimes kicks him out of the base so he can have a day off. She thinks he works too hard sometimes. C enjoys his company and likes talking to someone less loud than Luke and Gargar. Usually, she drags him along when out on errands because while Luke and Gary make it a point to complain, Sacha actually helps her pick curtains and home decor, and she appreciates that. [b][u]Numair[/b][/u] He carries the stuff whenever they go on errands, and that's appreciated. C thinks he's alright and finds it interesting that he fell out of the sky and onto their ship. She hasn't spoken to him much but has asked quite a handful of questions. So far, she thinks Nums is a good addition to their little family. He treats everyone nicely and Gary and Luke seem to like him a lot. [b][u]Luke[/b][/u] Her childhood friend and classmate (though she doesn't remember that xD) She's known Luke for as long as she can remember and while it doesn't show, she's protective of him and if anything bad were to happen to him the apathy would crumble. C usually drags him out of the base to lurk around Nowhere and sometimes the two go on missions without letting the others know. [/hider] [hider=Luke] [u][b]Gary[/b][/u] They're pals, and they do stupid things together. He's got her back, most of the time xD Luke likes teasing Gargar and calls her dwarf when he wants to piss her off. He thinks her reactions are priceless though cowers in a corner with Nums whenever she unleashes her wrath. Whenever she starts talking smart it makes his head hurt, so he usually tunes her out when that happens. They do dangerous stuff together, much to Sacha's dismay. [b][u]Sacha[/b][/u] His roommate and savior! Sacha is the only person Luke doesn't try to upset on purpose. [s]because Sacha is in charge of their meals and food is life.[/s] They're pals and he really respects his roomie. He thinks of Sacha as the responsible one and as a result will be more likely to obey an order from him than anyone else. Sacha also makes a good barricade and conversation buddy. [b][u]Numair[/b][/u] BROFIST TIME. Like Gargar, Numair is a bro and he enjoys joking around with the surfer. There's a lot of things he doesn't quite understand, like Slenderman and Skyrim but they have a good time talking about silly jokes and playing pranks. I can see Luke blaming Nums when Gary turns on them. "Yiiikes! Someone has to take the fall." [b][u]C[/b][/u] His childhood friend and classmate. He and C have known each other for a really long time but neither remember. He followed her onto the midnight train and bam Nowhere happened. While Luke still acts somewhat like himself, C has become a pretty different person. They still chill and he enjoys annoying her but something feels off. He used to like her in a "Oh-my-God-I've-fallen-for-my-best-friend' sort of way and finally managed to spill the beans on one super deadly mission. They got together for a bit, but even that has been forgotten by now.[/hider] Anddd, done! Good mornight, guys :) I hope you're having a wonderful day. Kei-chan will get the epilogue up tomorrow so those who haven't wrapped up yet please post before then. MUG is excused though, I think his flight back home is today so he'll be pretty busy.