Alisha responded with a nod and a respectful smile to The Captain when he greeted her. It was strange, meeting the legend. When he was first found, Coulson, a man her mom used to worked with, had nearly talked her ear off about 'The Great Captain America'. She didn't mind, though. Funny thing was, she could understand the mans fan obsession for The Cap. As far as the past couple of minuted in which she's met him, he seemed to live up to his reputation. Perfectly polite, obvious natural born leader. She was eager to see him in action, not just on a recording. Finishing off her apple, she made a shot into the trashcan in near corner of the room and made it in with a rebound off the wall. Then, wiping he hands on her leggings, she walked over to an empty session of the mats. Sore from a 2 in the morning intensive workout, she sat down on the mats and began to stretch. Alisha had hyper extended her shoulder two weeks before the serum, and her shoulder was fixed, worked perfectly fine, but it was constantly sore after a workout. She winced as she pulled her arm forward, bending her body in half over her legs stretched in front of her. Looking up as she stretched, she surveyed the others. They seemed like an interesting enough crew, hopefully, none of them had anything against a female recruit. She'd had to deal with someone like that on her last field mission. It didn't end well, Alisha wasn't the best at communicating with her words