But really: Renalta*: I guess it's our base of operations. Plus angels. Mostly the angels. Bases of operations can move. Imperium: They're all supposed to be dead anyway. Bloody cheaters. And Eternal Soul Gem? Sounds like they want more not-death. Hackerz. Rheinfield*: Dat holy magic bro Liveria*: Dat monster hunting bro Goblin Holds: Eh. Jumpy upstarts and a shifty sounding task from the goblin guy. One mage is worth less than any country. Free Holds*: Actual 100% demon presence. Cheap manpower. Underdark: Mechanists are pretty sweet. They're also pretty hidden and impossible to find. Tuleria: Eh. Liveria has a port. Let distant and important NPC's go that way. Amazons*: Kinda seems to have the direst consequences. Plus blood magic is always fun.