[img]http://i.imgur.com/ylO8F8C.png[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/AXy5Xzf.png[/img] [b][u]Aliquam: Cervantés Mansion[/u][/b] Moira sat at the breakfast bar, munching away. A full fry up with extra meat and egg - a little later than her usual breakfast time, but she was resting so it was fine. She had her chin on her knuckles in thought. So Xan was going on a date! Moira hoped she had some good underwear. Nothing can save a spiralling date better than flashing your knickers at the man in question. Why people were so resistant to her offers to go shopping for some really nice undies, she didn't know. To be honest... she wasn't even that mad the thieves got away. Well, she was, but not as much as she could have been. Towards the end, all she cared about was getting them the fuck away from everyone else before they hurt anyone anymore. That was it. Was... was that a good thing or not? She didn't know. It was a pretty alien feeling to not want to maim anyone at least. She wasn't sure she liked it. She gazed over to her partner, who looked similarly lost in thought as he poured milk over his cereal. No doubt still beating himself up over... probably everything, knowing him. Especially with the way he kept anxiously knawing on his bottom lip. "You're a fuckin' twat, you are." "What?" his eyes suddenly focused as he turned to look at her. "Charming as ever. Why?" Moira simply nodded to his bowl. He looked down, only to jump at the sight of milk pouring from the overflowing bowl and onto the table, the floor, everywhere. In his shock he actually made things [i]worse[/i], sloshing even more milk from the bottle. Idiot. She turned away as he started fretting, flushing spectacularly as he tried to locate the kitchen towels - then failing to reach the kitchen towels thanks to their bond. Instead she continued to munch on her meal nonchalantly. "You reckon we'll ever get to see those photos that guy took?"