[img]http://i.imgur.com/J8VStXo.png[/img] [b][u]Cervantes Mansion[/b][/u] Aah, he could get used to this. In a way it almost reminded Lucien of home, just fancier and without the bickering and scolding. He wondered where the others were, but felt too lazy to get up and look. Lucien stifled a yawn then leaned back contentedly into the couch. A pile of books just an arm's length away, a mouthwatering plate of french toast, eggs, and bacon, and a glass of soda too. Hell yeah, these people sure knew how to spoil their guests. He took a bite out of his piece of toast then pulled one of the books off the table. There was so much to read, it was shame they'd have to leave soon. Plus, Aliquam was grand and he definitely wanted to see more of the beautiful city. The summoner flipped open the book in his hand and was just about to start reading when he heard Syed and the boss talking. Oh, so that's where they were. He balanced his plate of food in one hand then grabbed onto the books with his free hand. "Hey boss, hey Syed." He placed the books and his plate on the counter before his eyes landed to the milk on the floor. He noticed that Syed was trying to grab at towels that were a little too out of reach, so the summoner grabbed them for him then joined them by the breakfast bar. "Sucks that we'll have to leave soon, yeah?" He tugged at his hair and sulked, "there's still a ton of things we haven't seen." Like Simon's pictures. He turned to grin at the boss, "AH! I wonder if Simon managed to snap some pictures of those girls we were with too." In no time at all he was grinning like a Cheshire cat. --- [img]http://i.imgur.com/ZEQcnsM.png[/img] [b][u]Cervantes Mansion[/b][/u] Date? To be honest, Xan thought of the invitation to dinner as an opportunity to discuss preventive measures, in case something similar would ever happen again. The thieves had escaped after all, and there was a possibility they would linger around the area. Maybe they would even try to rob the academy again in the future. It'd be best to be prepared and a part of being prepared was coming up with a plan for those type of things. The look on Aria's and Estelle's faces made her take a hesitant step back. "I was hoping I could talk to him about the possibility of the thieve's whereabouts." But before she could say another word Estelle began ushering her down the hall and Aria had an arm wrapped around her shoulders. The illusionist's comments made the girl flush and soon she had peeled herself away only to bump into their enthusiastic leader. Well, there was no way she was going to escape Estelle's and Aria's forces combined. Xan let out an awkward laugh before deciding to just give up and play along, "well, it looks like my fate is in both your hands." She felt rather embarrassed but gave both her friends a smile. It was time to turn the tables on her teammates. She tapped Estelle on the shoulder then pointed to Aria, "Estelle if you ever need any help with Marcus," she didn't know if there was anything between them, but they seemed really close. "You should ask Aria." She tried to put on her most serious expression but it was hard not to let a chuckle slip out. "She's good at this," Xan grinned. "or so she says."