Here is my CS for approval. Btw, Opus is meant to be a Black Ops kinda mysterious character, hope that is ok :L Name: [REDACTED], Call Sign “Opus” Species: Dirophyd Height: 5’6” Age: [REDACTED] Gender: Male Appearance: [hider=Opus][IMG=][/hider] Opus’ face is completely concealed by his breathing apparatus, which is a full face mask with a single round porthole, capable of cycling various visual modes indicated by a change of color (colour changes can also reflect a change of emotion, or several other actions). He is typically only seen in his armor, as it houses most of his life support systems that stop him from collapsing. His horns are quite small and rounded, filed down to allow him to move around easier and fit his helmet securely and air tight. Equipment: Cykiss Industries “Mystic” Recon Armor: [hider=Mystic Recon Armor][IMG=][/hider]Developed in secret for the most part, for counter-operations and deep strike infiltrations, the Mystic series is used by Special Operations members and various high profile assassins, who primarily work solo on extended critical missions. It’s most obvious feature is the Mystic’s Reaction Control System (RCS), that allows for incredibly fast dodges and movement for short bursts, to close distances or avoid life threatening attacks. Zamatti Corp. “Precision” Vibro-blade: Using tiny microscopic oscillations along the blade’s edge, the Precision has unprecedented piercing and cutting power against flesh and armor alike, considering it is not an energy based melee weapon. Cykiss Industries “Poolta” Pinch Pistol: The Poolta is a specialized plasma pistol that uses hyper magnetic fields to ‘pinch’ the plasma projectile into a thin pellet as it leaves the weapon. This makes the shot much quieter and less visible while maintaining the lethality and effectiveness of standard plasma weaponry, though causing the weapon to deplete charge and overheat quicker. [REDACTED] “Mirage” Thermal and Optical Dampener Gauntlet: The Mirage is another specialized Special Operations prototype that has been likened to a ‘rumor’ by the current Dirophyd administration. In reality, it bends light and other multi-spectrum rays to project a barrier that obscures whatever is behind it and mimic the background. However, the operator must remain still when using it or the barrier is overloaded and shuts off automatically. It is also vulnerable to electromagnetic radiation, and can be rendered useless by an observer moving to the flanks of the operator. Skills/Abilities: Opus’ Special Operations training makes him almost unprecedented in both hand to hand combat, as well as stealth and evasion operations learnt during his Advanced Tactics training. Combined with a visual sensor that can cycle between infra-red and normal visual modes and his modified Mystic armor, Opus is nearly unmatched in infiltration and assassination. To top it all off, Opus possesses some knowledge of bypassing security systems to mess with things such as doors, alarms and other minor electronic devices. Background: Most of Opus' file on his early life and early career has been deleted and changed numerous times, but most sources seem to point that at an early age, he had joined the Peacekeepers on the Dirophyd colonized world of Uptaiis III. Apparently, he excelled in most fields of his basic training, and was quickly transferred to Advanced Tactics training with SpecOps, after a short career in Colonial Security. Once training was complete, Opus was made a member of a Special Operations team, who went on to have several successful missions, sabotaging and assisting various parties in tasks from demolition and assassination to total government dissension for various clients, Dirophyd and otherwise. At some point, however, the team undertook an assignment that, to this day, is still classified, more so than the others. Conspiracy theorists all agree it was called “Operation Veil”, but other than this single piece of information, the details are open to speculation. All that is known is that it involved Opus being critically injured and losing his ability to breathe independently, the death of his comrades and several SpecOps teams, not to mention an entire colony blasted into oblivion. Records show that after this event is when Opus is referred to by this name, and little else is known or indicated. Currently, this enigmatic individual has been augmented with life saving cybernetics and prosthetic organs, and re assigned to an undisclosed Assembly unit, for what was termed “Rehabilitation” by higher ups. Due to his numerous secret assignments and strict training, Opus is calculating and efficient, and is very unapproachable at the best of times, coming off as aloof to most individuals. When in a good mood, Opus will act sarcastic but entertain some conversation.