Have fun, Kathi-chan! And oiiii, blame someone else because how do creepy pastas make one sleepy :P? //shot Thunder? You've been kind of quiet ^^ how are things going? Oh, and just some info on my post tomorrow. It will begin with the hoomans at the castle, I'll leave it pretty open so you guys will be free to do whatever. I'll do a setup with people gathered on a couch with tea so they can have drunken storytelling, but not everyone has to be present, so if you'd rather have your characters do something else then that's cool too. The Queen will be having a party and there might be a fashion show going on in the background if Kathi-chan wants? If not, then it'll just be another one of her feasts, there'll be visitors though, so she'll leave the humans alone. Skitzs will be busy too, and as usual Brandu, Song, and Marti will be in charge of the hoomans.