[img=http://i.imgur.com/cfQzJva.png] [b][u]Aliquam: La Mansion de Cervantés - Rose's Room[/u][/b] "So, sis. How do I look?" "Same as always, Angel." "No, I know that - I mean. My face. Do I look okay?" "Do you want me to lie to you?" The male aristocrat rolled his eyes with a chuckle. "Hah! I'm going to take that as a no." Angel stood within the center of Rose's room, suited in his [url=http://i.imgur.com/1p1F5WX.png]usual attire[/url] - a white button down shirt with black slacks, vest, and gloves to match. Even with casual and everyday events, he never dressed less than formal, though his unkempt (but highly attractive) chestnut hair spoke volumes otherwise. The only major difference between today and most days were how largely his injuries stood out. Around his head was a layer of bandage wraps, which not only covered a chunk of his face but parted his hair... something he wasn't entirely happy about. Not only that but with a bruised eye and cuts and bandages splayed all over his arms, it seemed only natural to come to Rose for approval on his appearance. Whether she was helping him or not was a different question. Regardless of that, Angel was just relieved she was in good spirits today, despite her broken ankle. Truthfully it hurt him that she and Sebastian were injured at all - damn dirty thieves going after the vulnerable - but at least they were okay now. Before either aristocrat could comment on Angel's appearance any further, the door creaked open, and a familiar face slid into the room. [i]"Good morning, miss Rose. I, uh, brought fruit. Do you mind if I come in?"[/i] "Oh! Looks like you've got your own date to settle, Rose. I'll leave you two." Angel snickered, opening the door to Lute's surprise and waltzing right out the room passed him. Without looking back, he made his way downstairs towards where Moira, Syed, and Lucien were, barely missing the ends of their discussion. "Moira! Just the gal I wanted to see." He nearly smacked the beserker on her back like last time, but both of them knew that was a pretty bad idea. "If and whenever you come back to Aliquam, I'll have your commission all ready for you, free of charge of course. Just be sure to hit me up on what you want exactly before you head out." He laughed again before taking a pained seat at the bar as well, looking towards the back porch. Seemed like the little girl was out there again splashing her legs in the water. Surprisingly enough, the older blonde chick was with her too, with her dress tugged back so as to not wet it from her calves also in the water. The littler one was nodding her head enthusiastically, probably yammering on about how excited she was for her friend's date tonight. The older one, not so much. Well... as long as they were getting their relaxation too. [img=http://i.imgur.com/dO6vRyy.png] [img=http://i.imgur.com/t9SKBzc.png]